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Android - App Development

Android - App Development

  • 05 Mar 2020
  • Admin

Android has developed immensely in recent years and has successfully captured a majority of market share around the globe in the operating systems market. Today, android is not just on your phones and tablets, it has invaded your television, wrist watches, your household appliances, cars and most of electronic gadgets. And, what not, it will be everywhere around us in a couple of years.

Moreover, the android market of applications has grown exponentially. The android’s own app store has over one million high quality apps. This number increases if we add various other third-party app stores which have countless apps too.
With android’s ever-increasing demand and market share, a large number of IT companies have evaded the markets to develop android apps and consecutively, demand for Android App Developers has also gone up drastically. Needless to add, these companies generate billions in revenues every year.

Android App Development

So, what is Android App Development all about. Let’s take a closer look and find out.

Command over the Language
Java and XML are the main programming languages used in Android App Development. Having a good command over these two languages is a must. Some basic fundamentals of Java include:
• Packages
• Collections
• Inheritance
• Objects
• Classes
• Concurrency
• Strings, numbers and generics
Good knowledge of Java and XML will help to develop a robust and responsive android application.

Being Familiar with Development Tools
It is essential to familiarize with the development tools at first. Android Studio IDE or Eclipse are the software most widely used. Both of them have a Graphical User Interface, so you’ll never have a tough time while developing. Also, Apache Maven, Apache Ant and Gradle offer powerful tools to customize your app builds.

Getting through the Application components
Components of Android Development Application serves as building blocks in the whole process. Each component plays a specific role and through it, system enters your app and exits when its role is finished. Some components are inter-linked too and rely on each other for data values.
There are different types of application components serving distinct purposes and different life cycle on how it is started and ended. These include:

Services: This application component runs in the background and carry out remote processes or lengthy operations. It has no user-interface to interact with (Like the clock service which runs constantly in the background).

Activities: The Activity component has a single screen and a user-interface to interact with. For instance, in a hotel booking app, screen showing list of hotels is an activity while placing a booking to the hotel is another activity). Hence, these individual activities collectively make up an android app.

Content Providers:This Application component is responsible for storing and retrieving data from the file system, web application or various internal/external servers.

Broadcast receivers:This component is responsible for acting on the system-wide broadcast announcements. Various broadcasts emerge from system and they don’t generally have a user interface. They make up a status bar notification which alerts user when broadcast event occurs. It serves as a gateway to other application components.

Scope of learning Android App Development

• Easy Adoption
Android App Development is largely based on the widely used programming language – Java. Java programmers report that Android is very easy to adopt.

• Open Source
From the beginning of android’s introduction, it has been open-sourced, meaning that anyone can use the source code without any copyright claims.

• Integration is simple
Android allows incorporation of other apps, business databases and servers. Its easy and reliable with lots of customizations. It also helps to embed various types of APIs and activities into the app that increase productivity.

• Low Investment, High ROI
Android Application Development comparatively requires less investment and generates high rate of interest as publishing a developed app in the Play Store (Android App Store) is easy and cost-effective.

• Many Markets
Android is a multi-functional platform and caters to various different markets. Hence, you need not rely on a single market.

Is the Future Bright?
It’s always essential to find out whether the career path you are going to opt is worth it or has a bright future. And be rest assured about this that Android App Development has a very bright future. The scope of Android App Development in India is huge. India is on the second place for number of active mobile phone users in the world. Around six billion mobile phones worldwide, nearly one billion are being used in India itself. Six million subscribers add up every month to this group.

Hence, with ever-growing users, their demand for high quality and better applications is also growing. And, to cater to this demand, more and more Android App Developers are required. Currently, there is a shortage of developers in India. So, it eventually has a bright future though!

Android Application Development is a very good career option and has a great demand in the market. Moreover, the remuneration packages are attractive too.

If you are interested to learn Android Application Development, then join GICSEH and become a professional App Developer. We have the best faculty in the industry to provide you with all theoretical and practical knowledge. We also offer 100% placement assistance.Join today!

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