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Networking Training Course in Bangalore

Networking Training Course in Bangalore

Rating on Networking Training Course in Bangalore 4.9 out of 5 based on 4132 Students ratings.
Course Summary

Computer networking has existed for several years, and as time has passed the technologies became quicker and fewer high-ticket. Networks area unit created of numerous devices—computers, switches, routers—connected along by cables or wireless signals. Understanding the fundamentals of however networks area unit place along is a very important step in building a wireless network during a community or neighborhood. Networking isn't solely concerning mercantilism info, however additionally is associate avenue to form semi-permanent relationships with mutual advantages.

Networking, additionally referred to as pc networking, is that the follow of transporting associated exchanging knowledge between nodes over a shared medium in a data system. Networking contains not solely the look, construction and use of a network, however additionally the management, maintenance and operation of the network infrastructure, package and policies.

Your search for Best Networking Training Course in Bangalore comes to end with GICSEH. GICSEH is that the leading networking institutes in Bangalore a wherever the scholars learn real ideas of the networking and build their career as a skilled networking expert.

Eligibility Criteria for Ethical Hacking
There are no as such necessities for following networking course except that student should have passed 10th and 12th from registered organization.

GICSEH Syllabus for Networking Infrastructure Training and Certification from the International Organization( Cisco, Microsoft, Red Hat, EC Counicl, VMware, etc )

Linux Infrastructure Track



Schedule Task one - Introduction to Linux – Ideas & History
Schedule Task two - What is Open Source? Linux Origins
Schedule Task three - Red Hat Distributions, Linux principles, Linux Usage Basics
Schedule Task four - Logging into Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Schedule Task five - Starting X from the Console, Accessing the Command Line
Schedule Task six - Changing your Password, The root User
Schedule Task seven - Elevating your Privileges, Editing Text Files

Schedule Task eight - Running Commands, Getting Help, The whatis Command
Schedule Task nine - The --help Option, Reading Usage Summaries
Schedule Task ten - The man and info Commands, Documentation

Schedule Task eleven - Linux File Hierarchy Concepts, Current Working Directory
Schedule Task twelve - File and Directory Names, Absolute and Relative Pathnames
Schedule Task thirteen - Changing Directories, Listing Directory Contents
Schedule Task fourteen - Copying and Moving Files and Directories
Schedule Task fifteen - Creating and Removing Files and Directories, Using Nautilus
Schedule Task sixteen - Determining File Content, Viewing Files

Schedule Task seventeen - bash Introduction, Heritage, and Features
Schedule Task eighteen - Command Line Shortcuts, History Tricks
Schedule Task nineteen - Command Line Expansion, Command Editing Tricks

Schedule Task one - Standard Input and Output
Schedule Task two - Redirecting Standard Input and Output
Schedule Task three - Overwriting vs Appending, Redirecting Standard Error
Schedule Task four - Redirecting Both Standard Output and Error
Schedule Task five - Using Pipes To Connect Processes

Schedule Task six - Introducing vim, vim basics, Opening, Modifying & Saving Files
Schedule Task seven - Using Command Mode, Undoing Changes, Visual Mode
Schedule Task eight - Splitting the Screen, Configuring vi and vim

Schedule Task nine - Using bash Variables, Local and Environment Variables
Schedule Task ten - Configuration and Information Variables, Variable Expansion
Schedule Task eleven - Protecting Against Variable Expansion, Aliases
Schedule Task twelve - How bash Expands the Command Line, Types of Shells
Schedule Task thirteen - bash Startup and Exit Scripts, Using Variables in Shell Scripts

Schedule Task fourteen - The slocate and find Commands, Basic find Examples
Schedule Task fifteen - find and Logical Operators, find and Permissions
Schedule Task sixteen - find and Numeric Criteria, find and Access Times
Schedule Task seventeen - Executing Commands with find, The Gnome Search Tool

Schedule Task eighteen - The Linux Security Model, Users and Groups
Schedule Task nineteen - Permission Types
Schedule Task twenty - Changing Permissions Using Nautilus
Schedule Task twenty one - User and Group ID Numbers
Schedule Task twenty two - The/etc/passwd, /etc/shadow/etc/group files
Schedule Task twenty three - System Users and Groups, Changing Your Identity
Schedule Task twenty four - User Information Commands
Schedule Task twenty five - Special & Default Permissions

Schedule Task one - Partitions and Filesystems, Inodes and Directories
Schedule Task two - cp, mv, rm, and inodes
Schedule Task three - Symbolic (or Soft) Links and Hard Links
Schedule Task four - The Seven Fundamental Filetypes, Checking Free Space
Schedule Task five - Mounting CDs, DVDs, USB Media, and Floppy Disks
Schedule Task six - Why Archive Files? Compressing Archives
Schedule Task seven - Creating, Inspecting & Extracting File from File Archives
Schedule Task eight - Why Use File Compression? Compression Utilities

Schedule Task nine - What is a Process? Process States, Viewing Processes
Schedule Task ten - Sending Signals to Processes, Terminating Processes
Schedule Task eleven - Altering Process Scheduling Priority
Schedule Task twelve - Interactive Process Management Tools
Schedule Task Thirteen - Running a Process in the Background, Suspending a Process
Schedule Task fourteen - Listing Background and Suspended Jobs
Schedule Task fifteen - Compound Commands
Schedule Task sixteen - Scheduling a Process To Execute Later
Schedule Task seventeen - Scheduling Periodic Processes, Crontab File Format


Schedule Task eighteen - Boot Sequence, Boot Loader Components
Schedule Task nineteen - GRUB and grub.conf, Kernel Initialization
Schedule Task twenty - init Initialization, Run levels, /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
Schedule Task twenty one - /etc/rc.d/rc, System V run levels, /Etc/rc.d/rc.local
Schedule Task twenty two - Controlling Services

Schedule Task one - RPM Package Manager
Schedule Task two - Installing and Removing Software
Schedule Task three - Updating a Kernel RPM
Schedule Task four - RPM Queries, rpm Verification
Schedule Task five - About yum, Using yum
Schedule Task six - Searching packages/files
Schedule Task seven - Configuring Additional Repositories
Schedule Task eight - Creating a Private Repository
Schedule Task nine - Red Hat Network Server Entitlements
Schedule Task ten - Red Hat Network Client

Schedule Task one - Kernel Segment Assignment Implementation s, Kernel Images & Variants
Schedule Task two - Managing the initrd image
Schedule Task three - Accessing Drivers through /dev
Schedule Task four - Kernel Configuration with /proc
Schedule Task five - sysctl: Persistent Kernel Configuration
Schedule Task six - Monitoring Processes and Resources

Schedule Task one - Network Time Protocol, syslog Configuration
Schedule Task two - Xorg Server Configuration, Remote X Sessions
Schedule Task three - Virtual Network Computing, SSH: Secure Shell
Schedule Task four - System crontab Files, Daily Cron Jobs, CUPS

Schedule Task one - Adding a New User Account, User Private Groups
Schedule Task two - Group Administration, Modifying/Deleting Accounts
Schedule Task three - Password Aging Policies, Switching Accounts, Sudo
Schedule Task four - Network Users, Authentication Configuration
Schedule Task five - NIS Client Configuration, LDAP Client Configuration
Schedule Task six - File Ownership, Linux File Permissions
Schedule Task seven - SUID / SGID Executables, The Sticky Bit
Schedule Task eight - The SGID Directories, Default File Permissions
Schedule Task nine - Access Control Lists (ACLs), SELinux
Schedule Task ten - SELinux Targeted Policy, SELinux Management

Schedule Task one - Filesystem Management, Device Recognition
Schedule Task two - Disk Partitioning, Managing Partitions
Schedule Task three - Making Filesystem, Filesystem Labels, tune2fs
Schedule Task four - Mount Points and /etc/fstab, Mounting Filesystems
Schedule Task five - Handling Swap Files and Partitions
Schedule Task six - Mounting NFS Filesystems, Automounter
Schedule Task seven - Advanced Filesystem Management
Schedule Task eight - Configuring the Quota System
Schedule Task nine - Software RAID Configuration & Recovery
Schedule Task ten - Creating & Resizing Logical Volumes
Schedule Task eleven - Archiving tools, tar, dump/restore, rsync

Schedule Task one - Network Interfaces, IPv4 Addresses, Device Aliases
Schedule Task two - Routing table, Default gateway, Verify IP connectivity
Schedule Task three - Defining Local Host Name, Verify DNS Connectivity
Schedule Task four - Network Configuration Utilities
Schedule Task five - Transparent Dynamic Configuration
Schedule Task six - Ipv6: Dynamic & Static Interface Configuration
Schedule Task seven - New and Modified Utilities

Schedule Task one - Boot Media, Accessing Installer, Installation Method
Schedule Task two - Configuring File System, Advanced Partitioning
Schedule Task three - Starting Kickstart Installation, Kickstart; %pre, %post

Schedule Task one - Hardware Considerations, Preparing Domain-0
Schedule Task two - Virtual Resources, Domain-U Configuration
Schedule Task three - Domain Management with xm
Schedule Task four - Activating Domains on boot

Schedule Task one - Method of Fault Analysis, Gathering Data
Schedule Task two - Order of the Boot Process
Schedule Task three - Filesystem Corruption & Recovery
Schedule Task four - Recovery Run-levels, Rescue Environment


Schedule Task one - Concepts and Practices, System Faults and Breaches
Schedule Task two - Method of Fault Analysis, Benefit of System Monitoring
Schedule Task three - Managing Processes by Account

Schedule Task one - Service and Network Access Controls
Schedule Task two - System Initialization and Service Management
Schedule Task three - Service and Application Access Controls
Schedule Task four - tcp_wrappers Configuration

Schedule Task one - Internet Protocol and Routing
Schedule Task two - IPv6: Dynamic & IPv6: Static Interface Configuration
Schedule Task three - IPv6: Routing Configuration, Netfilter Overview
Schedule Task four - Rules: General Considerations, Connection Tracking
Schedule Task five - Network Address Translation (NAT), IPv6 and ip6tables

Schedule Task one - Host Name Resolution, DNS-Specific Resolvers
Schedule Task two - Trace a DNS Query with dig, Exploring DNS with host
Schedule Task three - Service Profile: DNS, Getting Started with BIND
Schedule Task four - bindchroot Package, cachingnameserver Package
Schedule Task five - Remote Name Daemon Control (rndc)
Schedule Task six - The DHCP Service, DHCP Overview
Schedule Task seven - Configuring an IPv4 DHCP Server

Schedule Task one - File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Network File Service (NFS)
Schedule Task two - Port options for the Firewall
Schedule Task three - Samba services, Configuring Samba

Schedule Task one - Apache Overview
Schedule Task two - Apache Server Configuration, Virtual Hosts
Schedule Task three - Apache Access Configuration, CGI
Schedule Task four - Apache Encrypted Web Server
Schedule Task five - Squid Web Proxy Cache

Schedule Task one - Essential Email Operation
Schedule Task two - Simple Mail Transport Protocol
Schedule Task three - Sendmail SMTP Restrictions
Schedule Task four - Sendmail Operation

Schedule Task one - The Need For Encryption
Schedule Task two - Symmetric Encryption
Schedule Task three - Asymmetric Encryption
Schedule Task four - Public Key Infrastructures
Digital Certificates

Schedule Task one - Account Management
Schedule Task two - Account Information (Name Service)
Schedule Task three - Name Service Switch (NSS)
Schedule Task four - Pluggable Authentication Segment Assignment Implementation s (PAM)
Schedule Task five - PAM Operation, Utilities and Authentication

CCNP Cisco Certified Network Professional


Schedule Task one - Describing network fundamentals
Schedule Task two - Establishing Internet and WAN connectivity (IPv4 and IPv6)
Schedule Task three - Managing network device security
Schedule Task four - Operating a medium-sized LAN with multiple switches, supporting VLANs, trunking, and spanning tree
Schedule Task five - Troubleshooting IP connectivity (IPv4 and IPv6)
Schedule Task six - Configuring and troubleshooting EIGRP and OSPF (IPv4 and IPv6)
Schedule Task seven - Configuring devices for SNMP, Syslog, and NetFlow access
Schedule Task eight - Managing Cisco device configurations, Cisco IOS images, and licenses

Schedule Task one - Drawing Lines
Schedule Task two - Introduction to Campus Networks
Schedule Task three - Defining Virtual Networks (VLANs)
Schedule Task four - Implementing Spanning Tree
Schedule Task five - Implementing InterVLAN Routing
Schedule Task six - Implement High Availability in a Campus Environment
Schedule Task seven - Wireless Client Access
Schedule Task eight - Minimizing Service Loss and Data Theft in a Campus Network
Schedule Task nine - Configuring Campus Switches to Support Voice

Schedule Task one - Layer 2 switching
Schedule Task two - VLANs, VLAN access control lists, port security
Schedule Task three - Switch security issues
Schedule Task four - Link aggregation protocols
Schedule Task five - Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
Schedule Task six - Inter-VLAN routing solutions
Schedule Task seven - First Hop Redundancy Protocols (FHRPs) - HSRP, VRRP, and GLBP
Schedule Task eight - Branch office operations
Schedule Task nine - Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)
Schedule Task ten - Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
Schedule Task eleven - Layer 3 path control

RH124 Linux First Segment Assignment Implementation


Schedule Task one - Access the command line
Schedule Task two - Log in to a Linux system and run simple commands using the shell.
Schedule Task three - Manage files from the command line
Schedule Task four - Copy, move, create, delete, and organize files from the bash shell prompt.
Schedule Task five - Get help in Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Schedule Task six - Resolve problems by using online help systems and Red Hat support utilities.
Schedule Task seven - Create, view, and edit text files
Schedule Task eight - Create, view, and edit text files from command output or in an editor.
Schedule Task nine - Manage local Linux users and groups
Schedule Task ten - Manage local Linux users and groups, and administer local password policies.
Schedule Task eleven - Control access to files with Linux file system permissions
Schedule Task twelve - Set Linux file system permissions on files and interpret the security effects of different permission settings.
Schedule Task thirteen - Monitor and manage Linux processes
Schedule Task fourteen - Obtain information about the system, and control processes running on it.
Schedule Task one -Control services and daemons
Schedule Task two - Control and monitor network services and system daemons using system
Schedule Task three - Configure and secure OpenSSH service
Schedule Task four - Access and provide access to the command line on remote systems securely using OpenSSH
Schedule Task five - Analyze and store logs
Schedule Task six - Locate and accurately interpret relevant system log files for troubleshooting purposes
Schedule Task seven - Manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux networking
Schedule Task eight - Configure basic IPv4 networking on Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems.
Schedule Task nine - Archive and copy files between systems
Schedule Task ten - Archive files and copy them from one system to another.
Schedule Task eleven - Install and update software packages
Schedule Task twelve - Download, install, update, and manage software packages from Red Hat and yum package repositories.
Schedule Task thirteen - Access Linux file systems
Schedule Task fourteen - Access and inspect existing file systems on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system.
Schedule Task fifteen - Use virtualized systems
Schedule Task sixteen - Create and use Red Hat Enterprise Linux virtual machines with KVM and libvirt.
Schedule Task seventeen - Comprehensive review
Schedule Task eighteen - Practice and demonstrate the knowledge and skills learned in this course.

RH135 Linux Second Segment Assignment Implementation



Schedule Task one - Create and manage kickstart configuration files
Schedule Task two - perform installations using kickstart

Schedule Task one - Access the command line locally and remotely
Schedule Task two - gain administration privileges
Schedule Task three - from the command line

Schedule Task one - Use hardlinks
Schedule Task two - use archives and compression
Schedule Task three - use vim

Schedule Task one - Use regular expressions to search patterns in files and output
Schedule Task two - redirect
Schedule Task three - pipe output

Schedule Task one - Configure network settings
Schedule Task two - troubleshoot network issues

Schedule Task one - Create and format simple partitions
Schedule Task two - swap partitions and encrypted partitions

Schedule Task one - NFS
Schedule Task two - CIFS
Schedule Task three - autofs

Schedule Task one - Manage user accounts including password aging
Schedule Task two - connect to a central LDAP
Schedule Task three - directory service

Schedule Task one - Manage group memberships
Schedule Task two - file permissions
Schedule Task three - access control lists (ACL)

Schedule Task one - Activate and deactivate SELinux
Schedule Task two - set file contexts
Schedule Task three - manage SELinux booleans
Schedule Task four - Analyze SELinux logs

Schedule Task one - Manage software and query information with yum
Schedule Task two - configure client-side yum repository files

Schedule Task one - Managing services
Schedule Task two - verify connectivity to a service

Schedule Task one - Managing logs with rsyslog and logrotate

Schedule Task one - Identify and terminal processes
Schedule Task two - change the priority of a process
Schedule Task three - use cron and at to schedule processes

Schedule Task one - List
Schedule Task two - load
Schedule Task three - and remove Segment Assignment Implementation s
Schedule Task four - use kernel arguments

Schedule Task one - Understand the boot process
Schedule Task two - resolve boot problems

RH255 Linux Third Segment Assignment Implementation )



Schedule Task one - Given a virtualized environment
Schedule Task two - begin to administrate multiple systems using prerequisite skills

Schedule Task one - Configure system to use Kerberos to verify credentials and grant privileges via sudo

Schedule Task one - Automate system administration tasks utilizing Bash scripts and text-based tools

Schedule Task one - Use yum plugins to manage packages
Schedule Task two - understand the design of packages to build a simple package

Schedule Task one - Profile running services then capture and analyze network traffic

Schedule Task one - Configure system to route traffic and customize network parameters with sysctl

Schedule Task one - Secure network traffic through SSH port forwarding and iptables filtering/network address translation (NAT)

Schedule Task one - Manage local file system integrity
Schedule Task two - monitor system over time
Schedule Task three - system logging

Schedule Task one - Access centralized storage (iSCSI) and encrypt filesystems

Schedule Task two - Understand SSL certificates and deploy an SSL encapsulated web service

Schedule Task one - Configure an SMTP server for basic operation (null client
Schedule Task two - receiving
Schedule Task three - mail
Schedule Task four - smarthost relay)

Schedule Task one - Understand DNS resource records and configure a caching-only name server

Schedule Task one - Configure file sharing between hosts with NFS

Schedule Task one - Configure file and print sharing between hosts with CIFS

Schedule Task one - Configure file sharing with anonymous FTP

Schedule Task one - Understand the boot process and recover unbootable systems with rescue mode


Schedule Task one - Azure Services
Schedule Task two - Management Portals

Schedule Task one - Constructing Azure Virtual Machines
Schedule Task two - Azure Virtual Machine Workloads
Schedule Task three - Migrating Azure Virtual Machine Instances.

Schedule Task one - Azure Virtual Networks
Schedule Task two - Highly Available Azure Virtual Machines
Schedule Task three - Virtual Machine Configuration Management
Schedule Task four - Customizing Azure Virtual Machine Networking

Schedule Task one - Azure Web Sites
Schedule Task two - Hosting Web Applications in Azure
Schedule Task three - Configuring an Azure Web Site
Schedule Task four - Publishing an Azure Web Site
Schedule Task five - Monitoring an Azure Web Site

Schedule Task one - Application Design Practices for Highly Available Applications
Schedule Task two - Building High Performance Applications using ASP.NET
Schedule Task three - Common Cloud Application Patterns
Schedule Task four - Caching Application Data

Schedule Task one - Understanding Cloud Services
Schedule Task two - Cloud Service Web Roles
Schedule Task three - Customizing Cloud Service Configurations
Schedule Task four - Updating and Managing Azure Cloud Service Deployments
Schedule Task four - Cloud Service Worker Roles
Schedule Task five - Cloud Service Worker Role Processing
Schedule Task six - Caching Data using Roles
Schedule Task seven - Analyzing Applications in Cloud Service Role Instances

Schedule Task one - Azure SQL Databases Overview
Schedule Task two - Managing SQL Databases in Azure
Schedule Task three - Using Azure SQL Databases with SQL Server Data Tools
Schedule Task four - Migrating Data to Azure SQL Databases
Schedule Task five - Replication and Recovery of Azure SQL Database Instances
Schedule Task six - Azure Storage Overview
Schedule Task seven - Azure Storage Tables Overview
Schedule Task eight - Table Entity Transactions

Schedule Task one - Azure Storage Blobs
Schedule Task two - Controlling Access to Storage Blobs & Containers
Schedule Task three - Monitoring Storage Blobs
Schedule Task four - Configuring Azure Storage Accounts
Schedule Task five - Azure Files
Schedule Task six - Uploading and Migrating Storage Data

Schedule Task one - Queue Mechanisms in Azure
Schedule Task two - Azure Storage Queues Overview
Schedule Task three - Handling Storage Queue Messages
Schedule Task four - Azure Service Bus
Schedule Task five - Azure Service Bus Queues
Schedule Task six - Azure Service Bus Relay
Schedule Task seven - Azure Service Bus Notification Hubs

Schedule Task one - Azure SDK Client Libraries
Schedule Task two - Scripting Azure Service Management using PowerShell
Schedule Task three - Azure REST Interface
Schedule Task four - Azure Resource Manager

Schedule Task one - Azure Active Directory
Schedule Task two - Azure AD Directories
Schedule Task three - Azure AD Access Control Service
Schedule Task four - Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication



Schedule Task one - Software-as-a-service: SaaS
Schedule Task two - Platform-as-a-service: PaaS
Schedule Task three - Hardware-as-a-service: HaaS
Schedule Task four - Infrastructure-as-a-service: IaaS

Schedule Task one - Google File System
Schedule Task two - Search engine
Schedule Task three - MapReduce

Schedule Task one - REST APIs
Schedule Task two - SOAP API
Schedule Task three - Query API
Schedule Task four - User Authentication

Schedule Task one - OpenSSH Keys
Schedule Task two - Tunneling / Port Forwarding

Schedule Task one - Overview
Schedule Task two - Buckets
Schedule Task three - Objects
Schedule Task four - ACL
Schedule Task five - Logging and Signed URI
Schedule Task six - S3 Applications

Schedule Task one - Overview
Schedule Task two - Keypairs
Schedule Task three - Network Types
Schedule Task four - LAN
Schedule Task five - Gateways and Router
Schedule Task six - IP Classes and Subnets
Schedule Task seven - CIDR
Schedule Task eight - Utilities

Schedule Task one - Image Management
Schedule Task two - Security groups

Schedule Task one - Installation
Schedule Task two - Utilities
Schedule Task three - Filesystem
Schedule Task four - Shell
Schedule Task five - Programming
Schedule Task six - Control Structures
Schedule Task seven - Event based Init Daemon

Schedule Task one - Introduction
Schedule Task two - Installation and Running



Schedule Task one - Basic Concepts of Cloud Computing
Schedule Task two - AWS Overview
Schedule Task three - AWS Services
Schedule Task four - Other AWS Services and Security
Schedule Task five - Practice Assignment: AWS Fundamental Overview

Schedule Task one - Basic Concepts of IAM
Schedule Task two - IAM Terminology
Schedule Task three - IAM Best Practices and Important Facts
Schedule Task four - Access Keys and Security Credentials
Schedule Task five - AWS Identity Federation
Schedule Task six - Practice Assignment: Use IAM roles to access resources from different AWS accounts

Schedule Task one - Basic Concepts of EC2
Schedule Task two - EC2 Instance Creation Process
Schedule Task three - EC2 Advanced Features
Schedule Task four - Practice Assignment: EC2 Instance

Schedule Task five - Basic Concepts of S3
Schedule Task six - S3 Deep Dive
Schedule Task seven - Practice Assignment: Perform Amazon S3 bucket operations

Schedule Task one - Basic Concepts of RDS
Schedule Task two - RDS Backups and Replicas
Schedule Task three - RDS Management and Maintenance
Schedule Task four - Other Database Services
Schedule Task five - Practice Assignment: AWS DB Services

Schedule Task one - Basic Concepts of DynamoDB
Schedule Task two - Capacity and Throughput Management
Schedule Task three - Access Control and Data Migration
Schedule Task five - Practice Assignment: Amazon DynomoDB

Schedule Task one - Basic Concepts of SQS
Schedule Task two - SQS – Deep Dive
Schedule Task three - Simple Notification Service – Overview
Schedule Task four - Other Application Services – Overview
Schedule Task five - Practice Assignment: AWS Application Services

Schedule Task one - Practice Assignment: Cost Management
Schedule Task two - Management Tools, Lambda, and Kinesis
Schedule Task three - Basic Concepts of Cloud Formation
Schedule Task four - Basic Concepts of Elastic Beanstalk
Schedule Task five - Basic Concepts of Lambda
Schedule Task six - Basic Concepts of Kinesis
Schedule Task seven - Practice Assignment: Cloud Formation

Schedule Task one - Basic Concepts of VPC
Schedule Task two - VPC – Deep Dive
Schedule Task three - VPC – NAT, VPN, and Peering
Schedule Task four - Practice Assignment: Amazon VPC

Schedule Task one - Basic Concepts of Route 53
Schedule Task two - Practice Assignment: Routing traffic to reduce latency

Schedule Task one - Basic Concepts of AWS SDK
Schedule Task two - Basic Concepts of AWS CLI
Schedule Task three - Practice Assignment: AWS SDK using Boto 3

Schedule Task four - Basic Concepts of Security Features
Schedule Task five - AWS Regulatory and Environment security
Schedule Task six - AWS Security for Various AWS ServicesCi
Schedule Task seven - Practice Assignment: Shared Security

Global Institute Of Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking, GICSEH Providing very good lab infrastructure for all the Cisco – CCNA, CCNP, CCIE, CCNP Security, CCNP Service Provider, CCNP Wireless, etc. In Microsoft they are providing all the lab and practical of MCTS, MCITP, MCSA, MCSE, MCP, Etc

GICSEH is providing all the training which is related to the Linux, Unix, RHCSA, RHCE, Ex-200, EX-300, Solaris, Ubantu, etc.

They are having world class and certified trainer from the Cisco, Microsoft, Red Hat, EC Council, VMware, etc.

They are also providing classes via online for one to one priority based session, they are giving physical access to the cloud, they are giving physical access to the lab, etc.

GICSEH is the Larget Brand in Asia for all the training and certification for the same.

Course Features

  • Duration : 40 Hours
  • Lectures : 20
  • Quiz : 10
  • Students : 15

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Why Networking Is Important for Career Success?

Networking can assist you develop and improve your ability set, stay high of the most recent trends in your trade, keep a pulse on the work market, meet prospective mentors, partners, and purchasers, and gain access to the required resources that may foster your career development. Career development, in its simplest terms, is that the long evolution of your career. It's influenced by variety of things that embody the roles you hold, the experiences you gain in and out of the workplace, the success you succeed at every stage of your career, the formal and informal education and coaching you receive, and therefore the feedback you are supplied with on the approach. Ideally, organizations would place a lot of stress on worker development within the geographical point.


Take the time to create meaning relationships with those in your skilled circle, thus once the time involves seek for work, you'll faucet into those valuable connections for referrals, insights into job leads, and alternative valuable data.

Why GICSEH to Become Certified Networking Professional?
• We facilitate students with trendy I.T infrastructure and learning surroundings throughout the Networking coaching in Bangalore.
• Trainers in Networking coaching categories mix the self-developed trial module with current curriculum.
• Being accountable, we offer students Networking course with placement help.
• Networking Training Course in Bangalore is conducted throughout weekdays and weekends as per participant's wants.
• Our Networking trainers square measure analysts, researchers, consultants and managers possessing a decade expertise in work Networking Training Course in Bangalore.
• Ultra-modern I.T laboratory equipped with latest infrastructure.
• Our work is opened 12 months in an exceedingly year. Students square measure expedited with on-line mentoring throughout follow sessions.
• Networking coaching school rooms square measure equipped with projectors, live racks, Wi-Fi, and digital pads.
• We facilitate students with glass-door school room and discussion zone space (meeting room).
• No price coaching sessions square measure conducted on temperament development, spoken English, discussion, and mock interview to sharpen the presentation skills.
• No price Networking coaching course materials square measure provided.

Make Your Career as A Networking Professional
Career networking, or "professional" networking, involves mistreatment personal, skilled, tutorial or familial contacts to help with employment search, bring home the bacon career goals, or learn a lot of concerning your field, or another field you need to figure in. Networking are often a decent thanks to hear concerning job opportunities or get AN "in" at the corporate you need to figure in. Developing your career standing may be a long-run method betting on however you specialize in your networking path. prime career people that square measure wherever they're these days may be a result of the standing they need adult in networking.

Networking will assist you get employed and assist you grow your career.
• 70% of individuals in 2016 were employed at an organization wherever they'd an association.
• 80% professionals take into account professional networking to be necessary to career success.
• 35% of surveyed skilled say that an informal speech communication on LinkedIn electronic communication has LED to a replacement chance.
• 61% professionals agree that regular on-line interaction with their professional network will cause the approach into attainable job opportunities.

If you want to find out real hacking ideas and enroll yourself in Networking Training Course in Bangalore then, contact networking specialists from GICSEH and take a step ahead towards a brighter future. At GICSEH, we have a tendency to contemplate students as our responsibility. Our values inspire United States to supply students a comprehensive Networking coaching so they accomplish their career goals with confidence. To do that, we've got setup a laboratory in accordance to trade standards that includes of latest devices, applications and software’s. Our whole building is supplied with Wi-Fi facility, latest I.T infrastructure, and good schoolroom facilities.