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Winter Training Institute in Mumbai

Winter Training Institute in Mumbai

Rating on Winter Training Institute in Mumbai 4.9 out of 5 based on 4132 Students ratings.
Course Summary

Winter holidays are on the way. Apart from the enjoyment in the winter holidays one can also focus to learn something new. The winter holidays provide a perfect opportunity to the students to get practical experience. A Winter Internship should be of a kind which provides Industrial Training need to strike up the required balance of practical knowledge along with the theoretical part.

Global Institute of Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking is one of the best winter training institute in Mumbai which provides detailed practical knowledge along with the theoretical one. Global Institute of Cyber Security and Ethical hacking is an institute that provides you with a platform to become an IT professional, and we assure you to stay ahead from other people in the crowd.

Global Institute of Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking provides the students with theoretical and practical knowledge on real-time projects so that the students can develop themselves with future research technologies such as:
• Linux
• machine learning
• artificial intelligence
• cloud computing
• Python

and build their career in the IT field of professionals through the training and learnings of professional trainers at our institute.


Day1 - Introduction to Computer Networking concepts
Day2 - Perspective on Networking
Day3 - The TCP/IP N/Wing Concepts, Protocol, DOD model

Day4 - OSI reference model, Cisco Layer, IP addressing
Day5 - Ethernet Data-Link Protocols
Day6 - IP Address Subnetting Basics, VLSM
Day7 - Troubleshooting Of IP Addressing, Network Utilities
Day8 - Lab: Network Layer Utilities

Day 9 - The IOS user interface, Command-line interface
Day 10- Router & Switch Administrative Configuration
Day 11 - Router Interface, Cisco Password, Viewing Saving
Day 12 - Erase Configuration, Cisco Security Device Manager

Day 13 - Logging in to Router, Using Help and Editing feature
Day 14 - Saving a router Configuration
Day 15 - Setting Your Password
Day 16 - Password Encryption
Day 17 - Usernames & SSH
Day 18 - Setting Hostname, IP address and Clock Rate
Day 19 - Installing SDM on Machine

Day 20 - The Internal Component Of Cisco Router
Day 1 - The Router Boot Sequence
Day 2 - Managing Configuration Register
Day 3 - Backing and Restoring the Cisco IOS
Day 4 - Backing up and restoring Cisco configuration
Day 5 - Cisco Discovery protocol (CDP) using Telnet
Day 6 - Resolving hostname

Day 7 - Backup & Restoring Router IOS
Day 8 - Backing up The Router Configuration
Day 9 - Using CDP, Telnet, resolving Hostname

Day 10 - Basic, Static, Default Routing
Day 11 - Principal of Routing
Day 12 - Routing Protoco

Day 13 - Creating Static Routing, Creating Default routing
Day 14 - Troubleshooting of Static & default routing

Day 15 - Configuring Rip, IGRP, Routing loop, Split Horizon
Day 16 - Holddown, Route Poisoning
Day 17 - Communicate between RIP v1 and RIP v2
Day 18 - RIP Timer, EIGRP Feature and Operation

Day 19 - RIP & IGRP Configuring, RIP v1 and RIP v2
Day 20 - Debug RIP, Passive-interfaces

Day 21 - Using EIGRP to support large network, RTP, DUAL
Day 22 - EIGRP Metric, Configuring EIGRP
Day 1 - Load balancing with EIGRP, Basic of OSPF

Day 2 - Configuring & verifying EIGRP, Route Summarization

Day 3 - Concept of Single Area and Multi Area of OSPF
Day 4 - Configuring OSPF, Verifying OSPF configuration
Day 5 - OSPF DR, BDR Election
Day 6 - OSPF & Loopback Interface

Day 7 - Configuring OSPF, Neighbors
Day 8 - OSPF DR and BDR Election

Day 9 - Virtual LANs, Virtual LAN Concepts
Day 10 - VLAN & VLAN Trunking Configuration & Verification
Day 11 - VTP Configuration & Verification
Day 12 - InterVLAN Routing

Day 13 - VLAN, Trunking, Inter-Vlan routing
Day 14 - Troubleshooting SPANNING TREE PROTOCOL
Day 15 - Spanning Tree Protocol, Rapid STP
Day 16 - STP Configuration, Verification & Troubleshooting

Day 17 - STP, STP Port Costs, Switch Priority, RSTP

Day 18 - Standard & Extended IP Access Control List
Day 19 - Advances in Managing ACL Configuration

Day 20 - Standard ACL, Extended ACL
Day 1 - Named Access List

Day 2 - WAN Concept & Technology
Day 3 - IP Services for Internet Access
Day 4 - Point-to-Point WANs
Day 5 - PPP Concepts & Configuration

Day 6 - Basic PPP, CHAP Confiture & Debugging PAP & CHAP

Day 7 - Frame Relay overview
Day 8 - Addressing Network Layer Concerns
Day 9 - Frame Relay, Verification & troubleshooting

Day 10 - Frame Relay configuration & Address mapping
Day 11 - Frame Relay & Static Frame Relay Mapping
Day 12 - Troubleshooting

Day 13 - Network Address Translation & Translation concepts
Day 14 - NAT Configuration & Troubleshooting
Day 15 - VPN fundamentals, IPsec VPNs

Day 16 - Global Unicast Addressing, Routing & Subnetting
Day 17 - IPv6 Protocols and Addressing
Day 18 - Configuring IPv6 Routing and Routing Protocols
Day 19 - IPv6 Transition Options
Day 20 - Wireless LAN Concepts
Day 22 - Deploying WLANs
Day 23 - Wireless LAN Security


Day 1 - Python Programming for Beginners
Day 2 - Getting Started with Python
Day 3 - Print and Strings
Day 4 - Math
Day 5 - Variables, Loops and Statements
Day 6 - While Loops
Day 7 - For Loops
Day 8 - If Statments
Day 9 - If Elif Els
Day 10 - Functions and Variables
Day 11 - Function Parameters
Day 12 - Global And Local Variables
Day 13 - Understanding Error Detection
Day 14 - Working with Files and Classes
Day 15 - Appending To A File
Day 16 - Reading From A File
Day 17 - Classes
Day 18 - Intermediate Python
Day 19 - Import Syntax
Day 20 - Making MODULE s
Day 21 - Error Handling - Try And Accept
Day 22 - Lists vs Tuples And List Manipulation
Day 23 - Dictionaries


Day 1 - How it all got started
Day 2 - Why Android is different (and important)

Day 3 - Overview of the stack
Day 4 - Linux kernel
Day 5 - Native libraries
Day 6 - Dalvik
Day 7 - App framework
Day 8 - Apps

Day 9 - Platforms
Day 10 - Tools
Day 11 - Versions

Day 12 - Creating your first project
Day 13 - The manifest file
Day 14 - Layout resource
Day 15 - Running your app on Emulator

Day 16 - Activities
Day 17 - Activity lifecycle
Day 18 - Intents
Day 19 - Services
Day 20 - Content Providers
Day 21- Broadcast Receivers

Day 1 - XML versus Java UI
Day 2 - Dip's and Sip's
Day 3 - Views and layouts
Day 4 - Common UI components
Day 5 - Handling user events

Day 6 - File System
Day 7 - Preferences
Day 8 - Notifications
Day 9 - Security model

Day 10 - Selection components
Day 11 - Adapters
Day 12 - Complex UI components
Day 13 - Building UI for performance
Day 14 - Menus and Dialogs
Day 15 - Graphics & animations

Day 16 - Multimedia Supported audio formats
Day 17 - Simple media playback
Day 18 - Supported video formats
Day 19 - Simple video playback

Day 20 - Introducing SQLite
Day 1 - SQLite Open Helper and creating a database
Day 2 - Opening and closing a database
Day 3 - Working with cursors Inserts, updates, and deletes

Day 4 - Content provider MIME types
Day 5 - Searching for content


Day 6 - Why Content Providers
Day 7 - Where the content comes from
Day 8 - Implementing the API Supporting content files

Day 9 - Using Location Based Services
Day 10 - Working with Google Maps

Day 11 - Overview of services in Android
Day 12 - Implementing a Service
Day 13 - Service lifecycle
Day 14 - Inter Process Communication (AIDL Services)

Day 15 - What are Broadcast Receivers
Day 16 - Implementing broadcast receiver
Day 17 - System broadcasts and how to use them

Day 18 - Role of filters
Day 19 - Intent-matching rules
Day 20 - Filters in your manifest

Day 1 - Working with web services
Day 2 - Best practices

Day 3 - How Sensors work
Day 4 - Lig to Sensor readings

Day 5 - Monitoring and managing Internet connectivity
Day 6 - Managing active connections
Day 7 - Managing Wi-Fi

Day 8 - Making calls
Day 9 - Accessing phone properties and status
Day 10 - Controlling the phone

Day 11- Taking pictures
Day 12 - Rendering previews

Day 13 - Controlling local Bluetooth device
Day 14 - Discovering and bonding with Bluetooth devices

Day 15 - Introduction to OpenGL ES
Day 16 - Introduction 2D Graphics

Day 17 - Twin Animation
Day 18 - Frame Animation

Day 19 - Android Application Deployment on device with Linux and Windows
Day 20- Android Application Deployment on Android Market


Day 1 - Java OOPS concepts, need for Java
Day 2 - Classes and interfaces
Day 3 - Objects, Constructor, fields, methods, variables, keywords
Day 4 - Inheritance, method overloading and overriding, access specifiers
Day 5 - jar file, javadocapi creation
Day 6 - Package, comparing and printing objects
Day 7 - final variable and initializing
Day 8 - Bitwise operations, operators, data types
Day 9 - Generic types, Date, Calendar, Joda
Day 10 - Inner, anonymous classes
Day 11 - String, String Buffer, Regular Expressions, arrays, switch statement
Day 12 - Exception, Reflection, Clone, Assertion
Day 13 - File Handling, IO package classes
Day 14 - Enum type
Day 15 - Multi-threading, concurrency
Day 16 - Data structures, Collection framework, sorting
Day 17 - JDBC, SQL, database concepts, drivers

Day 17 - Sockets, remote communication
Day 18 - Servlets, Webserver, http methods
Day 19 - RMI, networking
Day 20 - JavaServer Pages(JSP), JSTL
Day 1 - Java Cryptography, encryption
Day 2 - Java mail, cryptographic protocols
Day 3 - JMS
Day 4 - XML

Day 5 - CSpring Framework, IoC, Dependency Injection,
Day 6 - Spring Containers : BeanFactory, ApplicationContext
Day 7 - XmlBeanFactory, ClassPathXmlApplicationContext,FileSystemXmlApplicationContext
Day 8 - Spring scope : singleton and prototype
Day 9 - Bean Life Cycle : setup and tear down, init-method and destroy-method
Day 10 - BeanPostProcessor
Day 11 - Spring Bean definition inheritance
Day 12 - Dependency Injection: Through Constructor, setter method
Day 13 - Injecting Collection, inner bean
Day 14 - Bean Autowiring: by name, by type, by constructor
Day 15 - Annotation : Injection required true/false
Day 16 - Autowiring : setter, property, constructor, qualifier, Component, life cycle
Day 17 - Spring Wiring, loose coupling

Day 18 - JDBCTemplate, queryForObject
Day 19 - PreparedStatementCreator
Day 20 - PreparedStatementSetter
Day 21 - DataSource

Day 1 - Advices: Before, After returning, After throwing, Around

Day 2 - Define the characteristics of a RESTful web service
Day 3 - Test a REST web service using cURL or Postman
Day 4 - Create a REST web application using Spring Boot
Day 5 - Deploy a REST Spring Boot application
Day 6 - Run and test a REST Spring Boot application

Day 7 - Model-Vew-Controller
Day 8 - Controller, command class, validator
Day 9 - FormController
Day 10 - ExceptionResolver, ViewResolver
Day 11 - MVC annotations: @Controller, @RequestMapping, @ExceptionHandler

Day 12 - ORM, JDBC to hibernate transition, POJO to DB mapping
Day 13 - Hibernate Config file, class annotation , associations
Day 14 - Persistence
Day 15 - Session, SessionFactory, Transaction
Day 16 - Spring and Hibernate

Day 17 - Java Persistence API
Day 18 - Entities
Day 19 - Primary Key, Persistent Fields in Entities
Day 20 - Entity Inheritance
Day 21 - Entity Manager
Day 22 - Managing Entities
Day 23 - JPQL

Day 1 - Service-Oriented Architecture
Day 2 - XML, SOAP over HTTP
Day 3 - Web Services Description Language ÔÇô WSDL
Day 4 - Universal Description, Discovery and Integration
Day 5 - Representational State Transfer - RESTfulWebservices

Day 6 - DBMS, Table, Column, Row
Day 7 - Constraints, Primary, Foreign, Unique keys
Day 8 - Queries, DML, select, update, insert
Day 9 - DDL, create, alter, drop
Day 10 - DCL, Data Control Language, Grant, Invoke
Day 11 - Transactional Control Language, Commit, Rollback

Day 12 - Elements,Attributes, Paragraphs, Headings & Styles
Day 13 - Links, Images, Classes & lists
Day 14 - Create simple static web pages,colours,backgrounds
Day 15 - Create and Work on Forms
Day 16 - Tables and Frames
Day 17 - Logical tags
Day 18 - Responsive UI
Day 19 - HTML5

Day 20 - Borders
Day 21 - Backgrounds
Day 22 - Font, text-effect
Day 23 - Animations

Day 24 - Elements of JavaScript Program
Day 25 - JavaScript Statements
Day 26 - Functions
Day 27 - Objects
Day 28 - Array
Day 29 - Events
Day 30 - Time Outs


Day 1 - Anatomy of an Application
Day 2 - Underneath Xcode
Day 3 - Installing the iPhone SDK
Day 4 - What You’ll Need
Day 5 - The iPhone Simulator
Day 6 - Downloading and Installing the iPhone SDK
Day 7 - Provisioning an iPhone
Day 8 - Building and Installing Applications
Day 9 - Model-View-Controller
Day 10 - Application Templates
Day 11 - Xcode Project Layout
Day 12 - Prototypes
Day 13 - Adding Frameworks
Day 14 - Setting the Active SDK
Day 15 - Building an Application
Day 16 - Installing an Application
Day 17 - Transitioning to Objective-C
Day 18 - Messaging
Day 19 - Class and Method Declarations
Day 20 - Implementation
Day 1 - Properties
Day 2 - Protocols
Day 3 - Categories
Day 4 - Posing
Day 5 - Additional Resources

Day 6 - Windows, Views, and View Controllers
Day 7 - Existing Templates
Day 8 - New Templates
Day 9 - User Interface Elements
Day 10 - Controllers
Day 11 - Data Views
Day 12 - Inputs and Values
Day 13 - Windows, Views, and Bars
Day 14 - The Inspector
Day 15 - Designing a UI
Day 16 - The Window
Day 17 - The View Controller
Day 18 - Views
Day 19 - Connecting the Views
Day 20 - Adding Linkage to Code
Day 1 - Removing Interface Builder from a Project

Day 2 - Basic User Interface Elements
Day 3 - Windows and Views
Day 4 - Creating a Window and View
Day 5 - Displaying the View
Day 6 - HelloView: Most Useless Application Ever
Day 7 - Deriving from UIView
Day 8 - HelloWorld: The Traditionally Useless Application
Day 9 - View Controllers
Day 10 - Creating a View Controller
Day 11 - Loading from Interface Builder
Day 12 - Orientation Changes
Day 13 - Disposing of a View Controller
Day 14 - ControllerDemo: Hello World, View Controller Style
Day 15 - Further Study
Day 16 - Text Views
Day 17 - Creating a Text View
Day 18 - Assigning Content
Day 19 - Displaying HTML
Day 20 - Source Reader: Web Page Source Code Reader
Day 21 - Further Study
Day 22 - Navigation Bars and Controllers
Day 1 - Creating a Navigation Controller
Day 2 - Navigation Controller Properties
Day 3 - Adding a Dayed Control
Day 4 - Adding a Toolbar
Day 5 - Page Demo: Page Navigation Exercise
Day 6 - Further Study
Day 7 - Transition Animations
Day 8 - Creating a Transition
Day 9 - Attaching a Transition
Day 10 - FlipDemo: Page-Flipping Transitions
Day 11 - Further Study
Day 12 - Action Sheets and Alerts
Day 13 - Alerts
Day 14 - Action Sheets
Day 15 - Dismissing an Action Sheet
Day 16 - End World: Ending the World (with Confirmation)
Day 17 - Further Study
Day 18 - Table Views and Controllers
Day 19 - Creating the Table
Day 20 - Table Cells
Day 21 - Implementing Multiple Select
Day 22 - Editing and Swipe-to-Delete
Day 23 - Reloading Tables
Day 24 - TableDemo: Simple File Browser
Day 25 - Further Study
Day 1 - Status Bar Manipulation
Day 2 - Hiding the Status Bar
Day 3 - Status Bar Style
Day 4 - Status Bar Orientation
Day 5 - Application Badges
Day 6 - Displaying an Application Badge
Day 7 - Removing an Application Badge
Day 8 - Further Study
Day 9 - Application Services
Day 10 - Suspending and Resuming
Day 11 - Program Termination
Day 12 - Invoking Safari
Day 13 - Initiating Phone Calls

Day 1 - Introduction to Geometric Structures
Day 2 - CGPoint
Day 3 - CGSize
Day 4 - CGRect
Day 5 - Multi-Touch Events Handling
Day 6 - UITouch Notifications
Day 7 - UIEvent
Day 8 - Events Handling
Day 9 - Example: Tap Counter
Day 10 - Example: Tap and Drag
Day 11 - Processing Multi-Touch
Day 12 - PinchMe: Pinch Tracking
Day 13 - TouchDemo: Multi-Touch Icon Tracking
Day 14 - Further Study

Day 1 - Understanding Layers
Day 2 - Layer Hierarchies
Day 3 - Size and Offset
Day 4 - Arrangement and Display
Day 5 - Rendering
Day 6 - Transformations
Day 7 - Layer Animations
Day 8 - Layer Transformations
Day 9 - BounceDemo: Layer Fun
Day 10 - Further Study

Day 1 - AVFoundation Framework
Day 2 - The Audio Player
Day 3 - Player Properties
Day 4 - Playing Sounds
Day 5 - Delegate Methods
Day 6 - Metering
Day 7 - AVMeter: Build a VU Meter
Day 8 - Further Study
Day 9 - Audio Services
Day 10 - Audio Queues
Day 11 - Audio Queue Structure
Day 12 - Provisioning Audio Output
Day 13 - Sound Buffers
Day 14 - Callback Function
Day 15 - Volume Control
Day 16 - Example: PCM Player
Day 17 - Further Study
Day 18 - Recording Sound
Day 19 - Audio Queue Structure
Day 20 - Provisioning Audio Input
Day 21 - Sound Buffers
Day 22 - Callback Function
Day 23 - Accessing Raw Data
Day 24 - Writing to a File
Day 25 - Example: Sound Recorder
Day 26 - Further Study
Day 27 - Vibrating

Day 1 - Basic Sockets Programming
Day 2 - Socket Types
Day 3 - CFSocket
Day 4 - CFSocketContext
Day 5 - Socket Streams
Day 6 - CFSocket Example: Joke Server
Day 7 - Further Study
Day 8 - CFHTTP and CFFTP
Day 9 - CFHTTP
Day 10 - CFFTP
Day 11 - Further Study

Day 1 - The Core Location Manager
Day 2 - Query Parameters
Day 3 - Issuing a Query
Day 4 - Receiving Updates
Day 5 - Completing a Query
Day 6 - Error Handling
Day 7 - WhereYouAt: Redneck Core Location
Day 8 - Further Study

Day 1 - Address Book Access
Day 2 - Top-Level Address Book Functions
Day 3 - Querying the Address Book
Day 4 - Creating Records
Day 5 - Working with Records
Day 6 - Multivalue Properties
Day 7 - Working with Dictionaries
Day 8 - Image Data
Day 9 - Further Study
Day 10 - Address Book UI
Day 11 - Person Views
Day 12 - People Pickers
Day 13 - Further Study

Day 1 - Common Controls
Day 2 - The UIControl Base Class
Day 3 - Dayed Controls
Day 4 - Switches
Day 5 - Sliders
Day 6 - Text Field Controls
Day 7 - Buttons
Day 8 - Page Controls
Day 9 - Further Study
Day 10 - Preferences Tables
Day 11 - Creating a Preferences Table
Day 12 - Displaying the Preferences Table
Day 13 - ShootStuffUp: Preferences Table Example
Day 14 - Further Study
Day 15 - Section Lists
Day 16 - Creating the Section List
Day 17 - Adding an Index Bar
Day 18 - Displaying the Section List
Day 19 - TableDemo: A Better File Browser
Day 20 - Further Study
Day 21 - Progress and Activity Indicators
Day 22 - UIActivityIndicatorView: Things That Spin
Day 23 - UIProgressView: When Spinny Things Are Tacky
Day 1 - Network Activity Indicators
Day 32 - Further Study
Day 3 - Images
Day 4 - The Image Object
Day 5 - ImageFun: Fun with Images and Patterns
Day 6 - UIImageView: An Image with a View
Day 7 - Image Pickers
Day 8 - Keyboard Properties
Day 9 Keyboard Style
Day 10 - Keyboard Appearance
Day 11 - Return Key
Day 12 - Autocapitalization
Day 13 - Autocorrection
Day 14 - Secure Text Entry
Day 15 - Pickers
Day 16 - Creating a Picker
Day 17 - Displaying the Picker
Day 18 - Reading the Picker
Day 19 - NosePicker: Picking Your Nose
Day 20 - Further Study
Day 21 - Date/Time Pickers
Day 22 - Creating the Date/Time Picker
Day 23 - Displaying the Date Picker
Day 24 - Reading the Date
Day 25 - DatePicker: Independence Day Picker
Day 26 - Further Study
Day 27 - Tab Bars
Day 28 - Tab Bar Controllers
Day 29 - Building a Tab Bar Controller
Day 30 - Customizable Buttons
Day 1 - Navigation
Day 2 - Delegate Actions
Day 3 - TabDemo: Another Textbook Approach
Day 4 - Further Study
Day 5 - Sensors and Device Information
Day 6 - Reading the Orientation
Day 7 - Reading Device Information
Day 8 - Reading the Accelerometer
Day 9 - Proximity Sensor
Day 10 - Further Study
Day 11 - Scroll Views
Day 12 - Creating the Scroll View
Day 13 - Properties
Day 14 - Delegate Methods
Day 15 - BigImage: Scrolling a Weather Map
Day 16 - Further Study
Day 17 - Web Views
Day 18 - Creating the Web View
Day 19 - Displaying the Web View
Day 20 - Loading Content
Day 21 - Navigation
Day 22 - Delegate Methods
Day 1 - WebDemo: Google Search Utility
Day 2 - Further Study

Da3 - y Dictionaries and Property Lists
Day 4 - Creating a Dictionary
Day 5 - Managing Keys
Day 6 - Writing Property Lists
Day 7 - Reading Property Lists
Day 8 - Further Study
Day 9 - Preference Bundles
Day 10 - Adding Keys
Day 11 - Reading Preference Bundle Values
Day 12 - Further Study

Day 13 - CovertFlow: SDK Cover Flow Programming
Day 14 - Further Study

Day 15 - PageControl: Page Flicking Example
Day 16 - Further Study
Day 17 - A PageScrollView for Many Views

Day 18 - Movie Player Controllers
Day 19 - Properties
Day 20 - Starting and Stopping the Movie
Day 21 - Notifications
Day 22 - Further Study

Course Features

  • Duration : 40 Hours
  • Lectures : 20
  • Quiz : 10
  • Students : 15

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Why Winter Training is Important?

Global Institute of Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking provide students a chance to set their education into action with Winter Training Programs. The programs are modelled to aid students in getting industry-ready. You must join this course, to acquire the practical knowledge on critical aspects for professional success. By working on live projects and putting all your ideas & imagination into it, students will gain knowledge on how the theoretical things they learn are applied in real-life. The upcoming Winter Training Program in Mumbai includes training on multiple technologies that will spark renewed thinking in budding engineering minds.

The primary aim of every new technology is to reduce time and efforts and get result fast and accurate, so you have to learn and work on latest technology to utilize your time and make up your career during the Winter Training. At Global Institute of Cyber security and Ethical hacking,
We provide Winter training on latest and advance technology such as-
• Cloud Computing
• .Net
• Software Testing
• Java
• Apps development
• Python
• Networking
• Oracle
• Android
• Software Testing

The trainers at Global Institute of Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking, first make you aware about the latest technology then we also offer live project Winter Training in Mumbai, to improve your technical skill set. The special Winter training in Mumbai is for the students who are interested to make a career in IT field. We offer training sessions for the duration of 4 weeks / 6 weeks / 2 months, as per the requirement of the students.

Global Institute of Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking is one of the best winter training providers in Mumbai. Global Institute of Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking provides you with a platform to become an IT professional, and we see you as our role as an employee rather than a student.

Global Institute of Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking provides you with theoretical and practical knowledge about real-time projects so you can develop yourself with future research technologies such as:
• Linux
• machine learning
• artificial intelligence
• data science
• cloud computing
• AWS etc.,
and build your career in the IT field of professionals through the training provided by our professional trainers who have more than 10 years of experience in the same profile.

The course structure and curriculum of Winter Training in Mumbai, is specially designed by the experienced industry experts, using the best teaching methodologies along with interactive tools and techniques with Live Projects under the real working environment. We assure the best training outcomes.

Future Prospects and Salary after doing Winter Training Course from GICSEH
The CEH certification will help you earn more, and will take you to next heights in the IT security professional domain. Below mentioned are some of the job options available after the winter training at GICSEH, Mumbai.
• Information security analyst
• Security consultant (computing/IT/networking)
• CEH or Certified Ethical Hacker
• Penetration tester
• Security engineer
• IT Auditor
• Ethical Hacker
• Penetration Tester
• Site Administrator
• Security Administrator
• IT Security Consultant
• Computer Forensics Analyst and much more!!

Why to Choose GICSEH?
Learning the IT Concepts with GICSEH is very advantageous as compared to enrol with any other regular institute because of below factors:
• GICSEH has well-defined industry standard learning course module
• We have a team of highly experienced MCSE professionals having more than 10 years of experience in relevant space
• We assure you complete assistance in placement after the certification
• Students opting for this winter training course at GICSEH gets exposure to live examples and practical applications.
• We have customized schedule of training sessions as per the need of the students

Join our upcoming batch of winter training in Mumbai and take a step ahead towards a better career opportunity.