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IAF iso ec-council certification
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ec-council certification

Apache Singa

This machine learning software was started by the DB System Group at the National University of Singapore in the year 2014, in collaboration with the database group of Zhejiang University. This ML software is widely used in image recognition and natural language processing. It also supports a wide gamut of popular deep learning models. It has 3 major components: IO, Core, and Model.

Key Features:
• Device abstraction is supported for running on hardware devices.
• Flexible architecture for scalable distributed training.
• Tensor abstraction is allowed for more advanced machine learning models.
• This tool includes enhanced IO classes for writing, reading, encoding and decoding files and data.
• Runs on asynchronous, synchronous and hybrid training frameworks.

More Information and Official Website:
Download : http://singa.apache.org/en/index.html