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Diploma in Digital Marketing & Web Development 2024

Diploma in Digital Marketing & Web Development 2024

Rating on Best Python Programming Training Institute & Certification in Noida 4.9 out of 5 based on 4000 Students Rating
Course Summary

First Semester: -
1. Digital Marketing using Google Analytics
2. SEO – Search Engine Optimization
3. SEM – Search Engine Marketing
4. Facebook Campaigns & Google Ads
5. On Page Optimisation (OPO)
6. Off-Page Optimisation- Advanced Campaign Settings

Second Semester: -
1. Web Development & Web Designing
2. Front End- HTML, CSS, JavaScript & SQL
3. Back End- PHP, React JS, Node JS and Angular JS
4. Full Stack Web Development (MERN)
5. Web Interface Designing
6. ChatGPT for Digital Marketing & Web Designing
7. Interview Preparation, Exam Preparation & Placement Support

Getting Started

Google Analytics

Unit 1: Introduction to Digital Marketing (Day- 1-3)
• Understanding the digital marketing landscape
• Overview of digital marketing channels and platforms
• Data-driven decision-making in digital marketing

Unit 2: Google Analytics (Day- 4-5)
• Understanding Google Analytics platform and its capabilities
• Setting-up Google Analytics account and tracking code installation
• Driving through the Google Analytics interface and reports

Unit 3: Introduction to Key Metrics and Reports (Day- 6-8)
• Exploring- Key metrics- sessions, users, bounce rate, and conversion rate
• Exploring essential reports
• Interpreting data to assess website performance and user behavior

Unit 4: Goal Setting and Tracking (Day- 9-10)
• Setting up goals and objectives in Google Analytics
• Tracking goal conversions and assessing goal performance
• Implementing event tracking for tracking user interactions

Unit 5: Audience Segmentation and Targeting (Day- 11-13)
• Segmenting audiences based on demographics, behavior, and interests
• Implementing audience targeting strategies for personalized marketing campaigns
• Analyzing audience data to refine targeting and messaging

Unit 6: Campaign Tracking and Attribution (Day- 14-18)
• Tracking campaigns using UTM parameters and campaign tags
• Understanding multi-channel attribution models for assessing campaign effectiveness
• Analyzing campaign performance and optimizing marketing spend

Unit 7: Conversion Optimization (Day- 19-22)
• Identifying conversion bottlenecks and friction points in the user journey
• Implementing A/B testing and experimentation to optimize conversions
• Using Google Analytics insights to improve website usability and user experience

Unit 8: Advanced Analytics Techniques (Day- 23-26)
• Advanced segmentation techniques for deeper insights
• Utilizing custom dimensions and metrics for tracking specific metrics
• Exploring data visualization tools and dashboards for presenting insights

Unit 9: E-commerce Analytics (Day- 27-29)
• Analyzing product performance and sales funnels
• Implementing e-commerce tracking enhancements for improved insights

Unit 10: Reporting and Data Visualization (Day- 30-32)
• Presenting data effectively for decision-makers and stakeholders
• Using data visualization tools to communicate insights visually

Unit 11: Advanced Topics and Case Studies (Day- 33-35)
• Exploring advanced Google Analytics features and integrations
• Case studies and real-world examples of successful digital marketing campaigns
• Best practices for leveraging Google Analytics to drive business growth

Unit 12: Strategy and Optimization (Day- 36-40)
• Developing digital marketing strategies based on data insights
• Implementing continuous optimization and refinement of marketing campaigns
• Measuring ROI and evaluating the success of digital marketing efforts

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Unit 1: Unveiling the World of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) (Days 1-2)
• Understanding the significance of SEO in digital marketing
• Distinguishing between organic and paid search results
• Delving into the algorithms and factors influencing search engine rankings

Unit 2: Delving into Keyword Analysis & Research (Days 3-5)
• Conducting meticulous keyword research to pinpoint relevant search terms
• Assessing keyword competition levels and search volume for strategic insights
• Formulating effective keyword targeting strategies to optimize content

Unit 3: Mastering On-Page Optimization Techniques (Days 6-8)
• Fine-tuning meta tags, headings, and content for optimal search engine visibility
• Harnessing schema markup to enhance the prominence of search results
• Crafting SEO-friendly URLs and establishing robust internal linking structures

Unit 4: Navigating the Realm of Technical SEO (Days 9-11)
• Grasping the technical intricacies of SEO such as website speed and mobile compatibility
• Implementing technical enhancements to facilitate crawlability and indexability
• Leveraging tools like Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools to enhance technical SEO

Unit 5: Elevating Content Optimization Strategies (Days 12-14)
• Curating top-notch, contextually relevant content tailored to target keywords
• Optimizing content organization, readability, and engagement for superior user experience
• Integrating multimedia elements to enrich content and engage audiences effectively

Unit 6: Maximizing Off-Page Optimization Efforts (Days 15-16)
• Cultivating high-quality backlinks through proactive outreach and relationship cultivation
• Harnessing the power of social media and content marketing to acquire valuable inbound links
• Vigilantly managing online reputation and monitoring brand mentions for enhanced credibility

Unit 7: Unlocking Local SEO Opport Unities (Days 17-19)
• Recognizing the significance of local search and its impact on consumer behavior
• Fine-tuning Google My Business listings and local citations for heightened visibility
• Implementing tailored local SEO strategies to cater to the needs of local businesses and brick-and-mortar establishments

Unit 8: Harnessing SEO Analytics and Reporting (Days 20-22)
• Establishing robust Google Analytics setups to monitor and analyze SEO performance metrics
• Scrutinizing website traffic patterns, user behavior, and conversion metrics to derive actionable insights
• Crafting comprehensive SEO reports to communicate performance metrics and strategic recommendations

Unit 9: Exploring Advanced SEO Strategies (Days 23-25)
• Venturing into advanced SEO methodologies such as voice search optimization and featured snippets optimization
• Deploying structured data markup to enhance search results visibility and snippet richness
• Understanding the evolving landscape of SEO influenced by artificial intelligence and machine learning

Unit 10: Leveraging SEO Tools and Resources (Days 26-30)
• Surveying a plethora of indispensable SEO tools and resources for conducting keyword research, tracking rankings, and analyzing backlinks
• Engaging with industry blogs, forums, and communities to stay abreast of the latest SEO trends and best practices

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Unit 1: Introduction to Search Engine Marketing (SEM) (Day- 1-3)
• Gaining insight into SEM's pivotal role within the digital marketing landscape
• Surveying the diverse array of paid search advertising platforms and networks available
• Distinguishing SEM from alternative digital marketing avenues

Unit 2: Exploring Keyword Research and Selection Techniques (Day- 4-6)
• Conducting in-depth and sophisticated keyword research tailored specifically for SEM campaigns
• Analyzing the competitiveness, search volume, and relevance of identified keywords
• Carefully curating target keywords aligned with campaign objectives and audience intent

Unit 3: Crafting Compelling Ads and Copy (Day- 7-9)
• Crafting engaging ad copy designed to captivate and drive user interaction and conversions
• Mastering the art of composing impactful ad headlines and descriptions that resonate with the audience
• Leveraging various ad extensions and features to augment ad visibility and user engagement

Unit 4: Structuring Campaigns and Refining Targeting (Day- 10-12)
• Developing meticulously structured SEM campaigns optimized for peak performance
• Employing advanced targeting parameters such as geographical location, device type, and audience segmentation
• Organizing ad groups and keywords meticulously to enhance ad relevance and efficacy

Unit 5: Optimizing Bids and Budgets (Day- 13-15)
• Understanding the intricacies of bidding strategies and fine-tuning bid adjustments within SEM campaigns
• Optimizing bid values to maximize ROI and campaign effectiveness
• Implementing effective budget management techniques to allocate resources efficiently

Unit 6: Tracking Conversions and Measuring Success (Day- 16-18)
• Implementing robust conversion tracking mechanisms to monitor user actions and campaign goals
• Analyzing conversion data to evaluate campaign performance and ascertain ROI

Unit 7: Enhancing Ad Performance (Day- 19-22)
• Scrutinizing key ad performance metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), cost-per-click (CPC), and conversion rate
• Optimizing ads based on data-driven insights to enhance performance and achieve campaign objectives
• Conducting rigorous testing of ad variations and experimenting with diverse strategies to maximize effectiveness

Unit 8: Unveiling Advanced SEM Strategies (Day- 23-25)
• Exploring sophisticated SEM tactics including remarketing and dynamic search ads to elevate campaign performance
• Implementing strategic ad scheduling and dayparting for enhanced campaign management and optimization
• Leveraging advanced features and tools provided by SEM platforms to gain a competitive edge

Unit 9: Ensuring Adherence to Policies and Compliance Standards (Day- 26-29)
• Familiarizing oneself with the intricate advertising policies and guidelines established by search engines
• Adhering strictly to these policies to avoid potential account suspension or penalties
• Regularly monitoring ad performance and making necessary adjustments to maintain compliance and campaign effectiveness

Unit 10: Analyzing and Reporting SEM Performance (Day- 30-32)
• Generating comprehensive reports and dashboards to meticulously track and analyze SEM performance
• Identifying emerging trends, opportunities, and areas for improvement through thorough campaign data analysis
• Effectively presenting insights and recommendations to stakeholders to drive informed decision-making and campaign optimization

Campaigns on Facebook and Google

Unit 1: Introduction to Facebook and Google Advertising (Day- 1-3)
• Grasping the essential roles and profound significance of Facebook and Google Ads within the digital marketing realm
• Surveying the myriad advertising options and diverse formats available on each platform
• Discerning the nuanced disparities between Facebook and Google Ads concerning audience targeting strategies and campaign objectives

Unit 2: Advanced Audience Targeting and Segmentation (Day- 4-6)
• Exploring sophisticated techniques for honing audience targeting precision on Facebook and Google Ads
• Harnessing the power of demographic, interest-based, and behavioral targeting functionalities
• Creating bespoke custom and lookalike audiences to refine ad targeting effectiveness

Unit 3: Crafting Engaging Ad Creatives and Copy (Day- 7-9)
• Mastering the art of crafting captivating ad creatives and persuasive copy tailored for Facebook and Google Ads
• Acquiring insights into optimal practices for composing compelling ad headlines, descriptions, and visuals
• Leveraging diverse ad formats and features to elevate ad engagement levels and enhance overall performance

Unit 4: Effective Campaign Setup and Optimization (Day- 10-12)
• Efficiently setting up meticulously structured ad campaigns on Facebook and Google Ads to maximize performance
• Implementing advanced campaign configurations such as strategic ad scheduling, bid optimization, and budget allocation
• Vigilantly monitoring campaign performance metrics and implementing iterative optimizations for sustained improvement

Unit 5: Implementing Conversion Tracking and Performance Measurement (Day- 13-15)
• Deploying robust conversion tracking mechanisms to meticulously track user actions and campaign objectives
• Analyzing comprehensive conversion data to gauge campaign effectiveness and calculate ROI metrics accurately
• Utilizing sophisticated attribution models to gain insights into the multifaceted impacts of various touchpoints

Unit 6: Strategic Bid Management and Budget Optimization (Day- 16-18)
• Mastering the intricacies of bidding strategies and bid adjustments on Facebook and Google Ads platforms
• Fine-tuning bid values and optimizing campaign budgets to maximize return on investment (ROI)
• Leveraging automation tools and implementing dynamic budget allocation techniques for enhanced efficiency

Unit 7: Adherence to Ad Policies and Compliance Standards (Day- 19-22)
• Navigating the complex landscape of advertising policies and guidelines established by Facebook and Google
• Ensuring strict adherence to ad policies to mitigate the risk of ad disapproval or account suspension
• Continuously monitoring ad performance metrics and promptly implementing necessary adjustments to maintain compliance

Unit 8: Rigorous Ad Performance Optimization (Day- 23-25)
• Conducting in-depth analysis of key ad performance metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), cost-per-click (CPC), and conversion rate
• Implementing data-driven ad optimization strategies to enhance overall performance and achieve campaign objectives
• Experimenting with various ad variations and targeting options to refine and optimize campaign effectiveness

Unit 9: Proficient Reporting and Data Analysis (Day- 26-28)
• Generating comprehensive reports and dynamic dashboards to meticulously track and analyze campaign performance
• Identifying emerging trends, potential opportunities, and areas for improvement through rigorous data analysis
• Effectively communicating insights and strategic recommendations to stakeholders for informed decision-making

Unit 10: Exploring Advanced Strategies and Cross-Platform Tactics (Day- 29-30)
• Delving into sophisticated advertising tactics such as retargeting, dynamic ads, and cross-platform ad sequencing
• Harnessing advanced targeting functionalities and features offered by Facebook and Google Ads for heightened campaign efficacy
• Implementing strategic cross-platform advertising initiatives to maximize audience reach and amplify campaign impact

Full Stack Web Development (MERN)

Unit 1: Introduction to Full Stack Web Development (Days 1-5)
• Grasping the fundamental principles of Full Stack Web Development
• Providing an overview of the MERN stack, comprising MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js
• Setting up the development environment and essential tools
• Introducing version control through Git and GitHub

Unit 2: Frontend Development using React.js (Days 6-11)
• Understanding the core concepts of the React.js library
• Creating both functional and class components within React
• Managing state and props effectively in React applications
• Exploring React hooks for streamlined state management
• Constructing reusable UI components with React
• Implementing routing and navigation features in React applications
• Styling React components using CSS and CSS preprocessors

Unit 3: Backend Development with Node.js and Express.js (Days 12-18)
• Introduction to the Node.js and Express.js frameworks
• Building RESTful APIs using Express.js
• Handling HTTP requests and responses proficiently in Node.js
• Implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
• Working with MongoDB and Mongoose ODM for database operations
• understanding CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations
• Managing errors and middleware in Express.js applications

Unit 4: Database Design and Management using MongoDB (Days 19-25)
• Understanding the principles of NoSQL databases and MongoDB
• Designing and structuring data schemas within MongoDB
• Executing CRUD operations through the MongoDB shell
• Utilizing indexes and querying data effectively in MongoDB
• Exploring aggregation and data aggregation pipelines in MongoDB
• Implementing strategies for data migration and database backups in MongoDB

Unit 5: Advanced Frontend Development Techniques (Days 26-30)
• Employing Redux for managing state in large-scale React applications
• Configuring client-side routing with React Router
• Consuming RESTful APIs within React applications
• Integrating third-party libraries and APIs into React projects
• Conducting comprehensive testing of React components using Jest and Enzyme
• Optimizing performance and bundling React applications for production environments

Unit 6: Advanced Backend Development and Deployment (Days 31-35)
• Ensuring security in Node.js and Express.js applications through HTTPS and CORS
• Implementing real-time communication using WebSockets and Socket.IO
• Deploying Node.js and Express.js applications to cloud platforms like Heroku or AWS
• Containerizing Node.js applications with Docker for portability and scalability
• Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines
• Implementing monitoring and logging strategies for Node.js applications in production environments

Unit 7: Full Stack Project Development (Days 36-41)
• Collaboratively developing a comprehensive Full Stack project from inception
• Applying knowledge and skills gained from previous modules to create a real-world web application
• Employing version control and project management tools for effective collaboration
• Implementing best practices in code organization, documentation, and testing
• Deploying the Full Stack project to a cloud server to make it accessible to the public

Unit 8: Exploring Advanced Topics and Emerging Technologies (Days 42-47)
• Exploring cutting-edge topics such as serverless architecture, microservices, and GraphQL
• Integrating additional technologies and frameworks like TypeScript, Next.js, or Nest.js
• Staying updated with the latest trends and advancements in Full Stack Web Development
• Participating in workshops, seminars, and online communities for continuous learning and networking

Unit 9: Career Development and Portfolio Building (Days 48-52)
• Developing a professional portfolio showcasing Full Stack projects and skills
• Enhancing LinkedIn profile and other professional networking platforms
• Preparing for technical interviews and coding challenges
• Networking with industry professionals and attending job fairs or meetups
• Strategizing career goals and exploring job opportunities in Full Stack Web Development

Unit 10: Final Project Presentation and Evaluation (Days 53-60)
• Presenting the completed Full Stack project to peers, instructors, and industry experts
• Receiving constructive feedback and insights on the project
• Reflecting on the learning journey and areas for personal improvement
• Evaluating personal growth and accomplishments in Full Stack Web Development
• Celebrating the successful completion of the Full Stack Web Development course and planning for future endeavors

Structure Query Language- SQL

Unit 1: Introduction to SQL (Day- 1-2)
• Understanding Databases and Database Management Systems (DBMS)
• Overview of Structured Query Language (SQL)
• SQL Standards and Versions
• Creating and Dropping Databases and Tables

Unit 2: Retrieving Data with SQL (Day- 3-4)
• SELECT Statement: Retrieving Data from Tables
• Filtering Data using WHERE Clause
• Sorting Results using ORDER BY Clause
• Using DISTINCT Keyword to Fetch Unique Records
• Limiting Results with LIMIT and OFFSET

Unit 3: Data Manipulation in SQL (Day- 5-6)
• INSERT Statement: Adding Records to Tables
• Updating Existing Records with UPDATE Statement
• Deleting Records using DELETE Statement
• Transaction Control Commands: COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT

Unit 4: SQL Functions and Operators (Day- 7-8)
• String Functions (e.g., CONCAT, SUBSTRING, LENGTH)
• Numeric Functions (e.g., ROUND, ABS, MOD)
• Date and Time Functions (e.g., DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP)
• Aggregate Functions (e.g., COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN)
• Conditional Functions (e.g., CASE, COALESCE)

Unit 5: Working with Multiple Tables (Day- 9-12)
• Combining Results using UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT Operators
• Nested Queries and Subqueries

Unit 6: SQL Constraints and Indexes (Day- 13-15)
• Implementing Indexes for Performance Optimization
• Working with Views: Creating, Altering, and Dropping Views
• Sequences and Identity Columns

Unit 7: Advanced SQL Topics (Day- 16-18)
• Working with Stored Procedures and Functions
• Triggers: Creating and Managing Database Triggers
• Understanding and Utilizing Cursors
• Handling Errors and Exceptions
• Dynamic SQL and Parameterized Queries

Unit 8: Data Control and Security (Day- 19-22)
• User Management: Creating and Managing Users
• Granting and Revoking Permissions with GRANT and REVOKE Statements
• Implementing Security Policies
• Auditing Database Activities

Unit 9: Database Design and Optimization (Day- 23-26)
• Normalization and Database Design Principles
• Indexing Strategies and Performance Tuning
• Analyzing Query Execution Plans
• Utilizing EXPLAIN and Analyzing Query Performance
• Monitoring and Optimization Techniques

Unit 10: NoSQL and New Database Technologies (Day- 27-30)
• Introduction to NoSQL Databases
• Comparison of SQL and NoSQL Databases
• Overview of New Database Technologies and Trends

Frontend Development- HTML, CSS & Java Script

Unit 1: HTML Fundamentals (Days 1-10)
• Introduction to HTML and its basics
• Creating headings for structured content
• Formatting text elements within HTML
• Adding anchors and hyperlinks for navigation
• Utilizing various types of lists for organizing content
• Constructing tables for tabular data representation
• Applying classes and IDs for styling and JavaScript manipulation
• Incorporating data attributes for additional element information
• Embedding images into web pages
• Implementing input control elements and forms for user interaction
• Using div elements for structuring and styling content
• Designing navigation bars for website navigation
• Integrating iframes for embedding external content
• Specifying content languages for internationalization
• Implementing HTML 5 Cache for offline access
• Utilizing HTML event attributes for JavaScript event handling

Unit 2: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Mastery (Days 11-20)
• Understanding the basics of CSS and its syntax
• Adding comments for code documentation
• Selecting HTML elements for styling using selectors
• Applying backgrounds to elements for visual enhancement
• Centering elements within the layout
• Understanding the box model for element sizing and spacing
• Setting margins, padding, and borders for element layout
• Utilizing outlines for element highlighting
• Managing element overflow for content handling
• Implementing media queries for responsive design
• Floating elements for layout control
• Styling typography for text presentation
• Utilizing flexible box layout for responsive design
• Understanding cascading and specificity in CSS
• Specifying colors and opacity for element appearance
• Implementing pseudo-elements for additional styling
• Positioning elements within the layout
• Controlling layout with grid and tables
• Adding transitions and animations for interactive elements
• Applying 2D and 3D transforms for element manipulation
• Using the filter property for visual effects
• Styling cursor behavior for user interaction
• Adding box shadows for element depth
• Customizing list styles and counters
• Implementing CSS functions for dynamic styling
• Managing columns for layout control
• Understanding the CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
• Handling browser-specific issues with Internet Explorer Hacks

Unit 3: JavaScript Essentials (Days 21-35)
• Introduction to JavaScript and its role in web development
• Declaring variables and constants for data storage
• Adding comments for code documentation and readability
• Utilizing the console for debugging and logging
• Understanding different data types in JavaScript
• Manipulating strings and working with dates
• Comparing dates and performing comparison operations
• Implementing conditions for logical decision-making
• Managing arrays and objects for data storage and manipulation
• Performing arithmetic and bitwise operations
• Creating constructor functions for object instantiation
• Using loops for iterative tasks
• Defining and invoking functions for code reusability
• Understanding prototypes and objects for inheritance
• Implementing classes for object-oriented programming
• Organizing code with namespaces
• Using setters and getters for controlled access to object properties
• Handling events for user interaction and UI updates
• Implementing inheritance and method chaining for code structure
• Working with callbacks for asynchronous operations
• Using intervals and timeouts for timed execution
• Creating and validating regular expressions for pattern matching
• Managing cookies and utilizing web storage for data persistence
• Parsing and stringifying JSON data
• Employing enumerations and map objects for data manipulation
• Handling timestamps and promises for asynchronous operations
• Utilizing sets for managing unique values
• Implementing modals for user interaction and alerts
• Accessing browser object model (BOM) for browser interaction
• Utilizing history and navigator objects for navigation and browser information retrieval
• Implementing strict mode for code quality and error prevention
• Manipulating data and working with binary data
• Using template literals for string interpolation
• Fetching data from servers using fetch API
• Understanding scope and Units for code organization and reusability
• Accessing screen properties for responsive design and layout control


Unit 1 - Intro to PHP (Day 1-2)
• Introduction to PHP programming language
• Setting up PHP environment (e.g., XAMPP, WAMP)
• Writing and executing basic PHP scripts
• Understanding PHP tags and syntax

Unit 2 - Variables and Assignments (Day 3-4)
• Declaring and initializing variables in PHP
• Understanding data types in PHP (e.g., integers, strings, arrays)
• Assigning values to variables
• Variable scope in PHP (local vs. global)

Unit 3 - Control Statements (Day 5-6)
• Using conditional statements (if, else, elseif) in PHP
• Implementing loops (for, while, do-while) for iterative tasks
• Using switch statements for multi-condition checks
• Applying logical operators (&&, ||, !) in PHP

Unit 4 - Writing Functions (Day 7-8)
• Defining and calling functions in PHP
• Passing arguments to functions
• Returning values from functions
• Implementing recursive functions for repetitive tasks

Unit 5 - PHP Arrays (Day 9-10)
• Creating and accessing arrays in PHP
• Performing array operations (e.g., adding elements, removing elements)
• Using array functions (e.g., array_push, array_pop, array_merge)
• Working with multidimensional arrays

Unit 6 - PHP Strings (Day 11-12)
• Manipulating strings in PHP (concatenation, substring)
• Using string functions (e.g., strlen, strpos, str_replace)
• Formatting strings (e.g., uppercase, lowercase, ucwords)
• Handling special characters and escape sequences in strings

Unit 7 - Object Oriented Programming (Day 13-14)
• Introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in PHP
• Defining classes and objects
• Implementing properties and methods in PHP classes
• Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism in PHP OOP

Unit 8 - Object Oriented Programming Inheritance (Day 15-16)
• Extending classes and creating subclasses in PHP
• Implementing method overriding and inheritance in PHP
• Understanding access modifiers (public, private, protected)
• Using parent and child classes effectively

Unit 9 - CGI Programming and Forms (Day 17-18)
• Overview of CGI (Common Gateway Interface) programming
• Handling HTML forms in PHP
• Retrieving form data using $_GET and $_POST superglobal arrays
• Processing form submissions and validating user input

Unit 10 - Files and More CGI Programming (Day 19-20)
• Working with files in PHP (reading, writing, appending)
• File handling functions (e.g., fopen, fclose, fwrite)
• Uploading files using HTML forms and processing them in PHP
• Error handling and exception management in file operations

Unit 11 - Database Programming (Day 21-22)
• Introduction to database programming in PHP
• Connecting PHP with databases (e.g., MySQL, SQLite)
• Performing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on databases
• Using PHP Data Objects (PDO) for database abstraction

Unit 12 - SQL and MySQL (Day 23-24)
• Understanding Structured Query Language (SQL)
• Writing SQL queries for database operations
• Creating and managing MySQL databases and tables
• Executing SQL queries in PHP scripts using PDO

Unit 13 - Images and Graphics (Day 25-26)
• Working with images and graphics in PHP
• Image manipulation functions (e.g., imagecreatefromjpeg, imagecopy)
• Generating dynamic images (e.g., CAPTCHA, thumbnails)
• Implementing image upload and processing functionalities

Unit 14 - Advanced Object Oriented Programming (Day 27-28)
• Advanced OOP concepts in PHP (e.g., interfaces, traits)
• Implementing design patterns (e.g., Singleton, Factory) in PHP
• Applying SOLID principles to PHP code
• Creating reusable and maintainable object-oriented PHP applications

Unit 15 - Cookies and Session Functions (Day 29-30)
• Understanding cookies and sessions in web development
• Setting, retrieving, and deleting cookies in PHP
• Managing sessions and session variables in PHP
• Implementing user authentication and session management

Unit 16 - PHP and XML (Day 31-33)
• Processing XML data in PHP
• Reading and writing XML files using PHP
• Parsing XML documents with SimpleXML and DOMDocument
• Generating XML output from PHP applications

Angular JS

Unit 1: Introduction to AngularJS
• Overview of AngularJS
• History and evolution
• Features and advantages
• Setting up development environment

Unit 2: Getting Started with AngularJS
• Installing AngularJS
• AngularJS Architecture
• MVC pattern in AngularJS
• Creating a simple AngularJS application

Unit 3: AngularJS Directives
• Introduction to directives
• Built-in directives (ng-app, ng-model, ng-bind, etc.)
• Creating custom directives
• Directive scope

Unit 4: AngularJS Expressions
• Understanding expressions
• Using expressions in AngularJS templates
• Filters in expressions
• Creating custom filters

Unit 5: Controllers and Scope
• Introduction to controllers
• Defining controllers
• Scope in AngularJS
• Scope hierarchy and inheritance

Unit 6: Data Binding
• Two-way data binding
• One-way data binding
• Event binding
• Property binding

Unit 7: Services and Dependency Injection
• Understanding services
• Built-in services (e.g., $http, $location)
• Creating custom services
• Dependency Injection in AngularJS

Unit 8: Routing
• Introduction to routing
• Setting up routes
• Route parameters
• Nested routes

Unit 9: Forms and Validation
• Working with forms in AngularJS
• Form validation using built-in validators
• Custom form validation
• Handling form submission

Unit 10: HTTP Communication
• Making HTTP requests using $http service
• Handling responses
• Error handling
• Using $resource for RESTful services

Unit 11: AngularJS Best Practices
• Code organization and structure
• Performance optimization techniques
• Error handling and debugging
• Testing strategies (unit testing and end-to-end testing)

Unit 12: Advanced Topics
• Directives communication
• Transclusion
• Interacting with the DOM using directives
• Localization and internationalization

Unit 13: Building a Real-World Application
• Designing and implementing a complete AngularJS application
• Integration with backend services
• Deployment strategies

Unit 14: AngularJS 2+ Overview
• Introduction to Angular 2+
• Major differences between AngularJS and Angular 2+
• Migration strategies from AngularJS to Angular 2+

Unit 15: Project Work
• Hands-on project work to apply the learned concepts
• Guidance and support from instructors
• Feedback and review sessions


Unit 1: Introduction to React (Days 1-4)
• Exploring the fundamentals of React
• Understanding the reasons for choosing React
• Reviewing React's version history, focusing on React 16 vs React 15
• Building a basic React application with "Hello World"
• Utilizing create-react-app for project setup
• Analyzing the structure of a React project
• Executing and debugging the initial React application

Unit 2: Templating with JSX (Days 5-7)
• Implementing JSX for templating in React
• Working with React.createElement method
• Incorporating expressions and logical operators in JSX
• Specifying attributes and children elements in JSX
• Utilizing Fragments for multiple JSX elements

Unit 3: Understanding Components (Days 8-10)
• Emphasizing the importance of component-based architecture
• Exploring different types of components: Functional, Class-based, and Pure components
• Composing components together for reusability

Unit 4: Managing State and Props (Days 11-13)
• Understanding the concept of state and its significance in React
• Reading and updating component state
• Passing data between components using props
• Validating props using propTypes

Unit 5: Rendering Lists (Days 14-15)
• Rendering dynamic lists in React
• Utilizing the key prop and map function for list rendering

Unit 6: Handling Events (Days 16-18)
• Understanding React's event system
• Utilizing Synthetic events in React
• Passing arguments to event handlers

Unit 7: Component Lifecycle and Error Handling (Days 19-20)
• Understanding the lifecycle methods of React components
• Implementing error boundaries for error handling

Unit 8: Working with Forms (Days 21-22)
• Managing forms in React with controlled and uncontrolled components

Unit 9: Context API (Days 23-25)
• Understanding the Context API in React
• Creating and consuming contexts
• Reading context in class components

Unit 10: Code-Splitting (Days 26-28)
• Implementing code-splitting in React applications
• Utilizing React.lazy and Suspense for code-splitting
• Implementing route-based code-splitting

Unit 11: Hooks (Days 29-31)
• Exploring React Hooks for stateful logic reuse
• Understanding different types of hooks
• Implementing useState and useEffect hooks
• Adhering to the rules of hooks

Unit 12: Routing with React Router (Days 32-35)
• Setting up routing in React applications with React Router
• Working with BrowserRouter and HashRouter components
• Configuring routes with Route component
• Implementing dynamic routes and nested routes
• Navigating between pages using Link and NavLink components
• Redirecting routes using Redirect component

Unit 13: Introduction to Redux (Days 36-38)
• Understanding the principles of Redux for state management
• Installing and setting up Redux in React applications
• Creating actions, reducers, and the store

Unit 14: Immutable.js (Days 39-40)
• Introduction to Immutable.js library
• Exploring immutable collections like Lists, Maps, and Sets

Unit 15: Integrating React with Redux (Days 41-43)
• Understanding the integration of React with Redux for state management
• Setting up React Redux in applications
• Distinguishing between Presentational and Container components
• Exploring mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps usage

Unit 16: Redux Middleware (Days 44-45)
• Understanding the need for middleware in Redux
• Exploring Redux Saga as a middleware choice
• Installing and setting up Redux Saga
• Working with Saga helpers for asynchronous actions

Node JS

Unit 1: Node JS Units (Day- 1-3)
• Functions
• Buffer
• Unit
• Units Types
• Core Units
• Local Units
• Units Exports

Unit 2: Node Package Manager (Day- 4-6)
• What is NPM
• Installing Packages Locally
• Installing package globally
• Adding dependency in package Json
• Updating packages

Unit 3: Creating Web Server (Day- 7-9)
• Creating Web Server
• Sending Requests
• Handling HTTP requests
• Unit 4: File System
• Read File
• Writing a File
• Opening a File
• Deleting a File
• Writing a file asynchronously
• Other I/O Operations

Unit 5: Debugging Node JS Application (Day- 10-12)
• Core Node JS Debugger
• Unit 6: Events
• Event Emitter class
• Inheriting Events
• Returning event emitter

Unit 7: Express JS (Day- 13-14)
• Configuring Routes
• Working with Express

Unit 8: Serving Static Resources (Day- 15-16)
• Serving Static Files
• Working with Middle Ware

Unit 9: Database Connectivity (Day- 17-20)
• Connecting String
• Configuring
• Updating Records
• Working with Select Command
• Deleting Records

Unit 10: Project Development (Day- 21-25)
• Project Development using Node JS

Course Features

  • Duration : 1 Year

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