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Diploma in Software Development & Programming Language 2024 Program

Diploma in Software Development & Programming Language 2024 Program

Rating on Best Python Programming Training Institute & Certification in Noida 4.9 out of 5 based on 4000 Students Rating
Course Summary

First Semester: -
1. C Programming Language
2. C++ Programming Basic & Advanced
3. Python Programming 3.12
4. Java Core Programming
5. HTML, CSS, Java Script- Front End
6. Web Development & Designing

Second Semester: -
1. PHP, SQL- Back End
2. React JS, Node JS, Angular JS- Advance implementation
3. Advance Java Programming with Live Project
4. Data Analytics, Data Science, Advance Excel, Power BI
5. Working on Live Projects
6. ChatGPT for Coding and Programming
7. Interview Preparation, Exam Preparation & Placement Support

Getting Started

C Programming Language

Module 1- C Language Environment (Day- 1-2)
• Overview of Compiler, Interpreter, and Assembler
• Understanding the Compiler's Operations
• Process of Compiling, Linking, and Running Programs
• Introduction to Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Module 2- Basics of C Language and Key Terms (Day- 3-4)
• Preprocessor Directives
• Data Types
• Variables
• Tokens
• Keywords
• Constants
• Identifiers

Module 3- Input and Output Instructions (Day- 5)
• Input and Output Functions
• Built-in Functions for I/O Operations

Module 4- Control Flow Statements (Day- 6-8)
• Jump Statements (goto, break, continue)
• If Statement
• If-Else Statement
• Nested If-Else Statement
• If-Else If Ladder Statement
• Switch-Case Statement
• Loops (for, while, do-while)

Module 5- Arrays and Strings (Day- 9-12)
• Overview of Arrays
• Single, Two, and Multi-dimensional Arrays
• Array Operations
• Applications of Arrays
• Sorting and Searching Algorithms for Arrays
• Introduction to Strings
• String Operations
• Applications of Strings

Module 6- Pointers (Day- 13-15)
• Introduction to Pointers
• Pointer Expressions
• Types of Pointers
• Void Pointers
• NULL Pointers
• Wild Pointers
• Dangling Pointers
• Various Pointer Examples
• Pointer Arithmetic
• Working with Arrays using Pointers
• Manipulating Strings using Pointers
• Pointers in Functions

Module 7- Enumerations (Enums) (Day- 16)
• Introduction to Enums
• Enum Examples

Module 8- File Management (Day- 17-18)
• Introduction to File Management
• File Opening Modes
• Opening and Closing Files
• File Input-Output Operations
• Error Handling with Files
• Handling Command Line Arguments
• Applications of File Management

Module 9- Preprocessor Directives (Day- 19)
• Macros
• File Inclusions
• Compiler Control Directives

Module 10- Functions (Day- 20-22)
• Introduction to Functions
• Types of Functions
• Nesting of Functions
• Examples Illustrating Functions
• Passing Integers in Functions
• Passing Strings in Functions
• Functions Returning Addresses
• Recursion
• Understanding Storage Classes

Module 11- Unions (Day- 23-25)
• Introduction to Unions
• Advantages of Using Unions

Module 12- Structures (Day- 26-28)
• Introduction to Structures
• Advantages of Using Structures
• Arrays of Structures
• Structures Utilizing Pointers
• Structures in Conjunction with Functions
• Applications of Structures

Module 13- Dynamic Memory Allocation (Day- 29-30)
• Introduction to Dynamic Memory Allocation
• Benefits of Dynamic Memory Allocation
• Functions such as Malloc(), Calloc(), Realloc(), Free()
• Implementing Arrays Using Dynamic Memory Allocation

C++ Programming Language Course

Module-1: Fundamentals of C++ Language (Day- 1-3)
• Overview of C++ Language
• Contrasts and Parallels between C and C++
• The Role Played by Compilers and Assemblers
• Introduction to Key Concepts in C++
• Understanding Control Flow Statements

Module-2: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) (Day- 4-15)
• OOPs vs. Procedural Programming Comparison
• Implementation of OOPs Principles
• Various Approaches to OOPs
• Understanding Encapsulation and its Significance
• Class Nesting Concepts
• Understanding Abstraction
• Data Abstraction
• Abstract Class and Pure Virtual Function
• Understanding Polymorphism
• Function Overloading
• Constructor & Destructor
• Operator Overloading
• Function Overriding
• Understanding Inheritance
• Understanding Inheritance Types
• Virtual Functions and Their Necessity
• Different Binding Types
• Upcasting and Downcasting
• Understanding Pointers in C++
• Inline Functions
• Composition and Aggregation
• Deep Copy versus Shallow Copy

Module-3: File Management (Day- 16-18)
• Overview of File Management
• Understanding Modes for Opening Files
• Handling Errors in File Operations
• File Opening and Closing Procedures
• Understanding Input-Output Operations on Files
• Practical Applications of File Management

Module-4: Handling Exceptions (Day- 19-21)
• Introduction to Exception Handling
• Importance of Exception Handling
• Multiple Catch Blocks for Handling Different Exceptions
• Elements of Exception Handling (Try, Throw, Catch)

Module-5: Templates for Generic Programming (Day- 22-24)
• Introduction to Templates and Generic Programming
• Advantages of Using Templates
• Understanding Template Functions and Template Classes

Module-6: Standard Template Library (STL) (Day- 25-28)
• Utilization of STL Classes:
• Understanding List, Stack, Queue, Priority Queue, Map, Vectors
• Incorporating Algorithms and Additional Features

Python Programming- 3.12

Module 1- Python Introduction (Day- 1-2)
• An Overview of Python and Its Characteristics
• Installing Python and Establishing the Development Environment
• Executing Python Code
• Fundamental Syntax and Data Types

Module 2- Control Structures (Day- 3-5)
• Conditional Statements (if, elif, else)
• Looping Constructs (for and while loops)
• Loop Control Statements (break, continue)
• Utilizing Lists and Tuples

Module 3- Functions and Modules (Day- 6-8)
• Definition and Invocation of Functions
• Parameters and Return Values in Functions
• Exploring Built-in Functions and Standard Modules
• Creating and Importing Custom Modules

Module 4- Data Structures (Day- 9-10)
• Handling Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries
• Employing List Comprehensions and Generator Expressions
• Iterating Through Data Structures

Module 5- String Manipulation (Day- 11-12)
• Operations and Methods on Strings
• String Formatting
• Utilizing Regular Expressions

Module 6 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) (Day- 13-18)
• Introduction to OOP Concepts
• Creating Classes and Objects
• Instance Variables and Methods
• Understanding Inheritance and Polymorphism

Module 7- Functional Programming (Day- 19-21)
• Implementing Lambda Functions
• Utilizing Map, Filter, and Reduce Functions
• Working with Higher-Order Functions

Module 8- File Handling (Day- 22-23)
• Reading and Writing Text Files
• Working with CSV and JSON Files
• Implementing Exception Handling

Module 9- Data Processing (Day- 24-25)
• Managing Dates and Times (datetime module)
• File and Directory Operations (os and shutil modules)
• Parsing and Generating XML and JSON Data

Module 10- Debugging and Testing (Day- 26)
• Techniques and Tools for Debugging
• Conducting Unit Testing with the unittest Module

Module 11- Introduction to GUI Programming (Day- 27-28)
• Basic Concepts of GUI Programming using tkinter

Module 12- Web Scraping (Day- 29)
• Extracting Web Data using Requests and Beautiful Soup

Module 13- Introduction to Data Science (Day- 30-32)
• Basics of Data Analysis & Visualization with Libraries like Pandas & Matplotlib
• Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
• Data Cleaning and Preprocessing
• A Case Study in Data Analysis

Java Programming

Module 1: Java environment installation (Day- 1)
• Eclipse
• VS Code

Module 2: Core Java Fundamentals (Day- 2-5)
• Variables
• Data types
• Conditional statements
• Loops
• Functions / methods
• Operators and Expression Concepts

Module 3: OOPS concepts (Day- 6-10)
• Classes and objects
• Encapsulation
• Polymorphism
• Inheritance
• Abstraction
• Constructor
• Copy constructor
• Channing constructor

Module 4: Core Java Advance Topics (Day- 11-15)
• Packages
• Java IO streams
• Collection framework
• Arrays
• Link list

Module 5: Advanced Java (Day- 16-20)
• Garbage collector
• Design patterns
• Threads
• Servlet and JSP

Module 6: JVM (Day- 21-25)
• How JVM works?
• JAVA 8 installation

Structure Query Language- SQL

Module 1: Introduction to SQL (Day- 1-2)
• Understanding Databases and Database Management Systems (DBMS)
• Overview of Structured Query Language (SQL)
• SQL Standards and Versions
• Creating and Dropping Databases and Tables

Module 2: Retrieving Data with SQL (Day- 3-4)
• SELECT Statement: Retrieving Data from Tables
• Filtering Data using WHERE Clause
• Sorting Results using ORDER BY Clause
• Using DISTINCT Keyword to Fetch Unique Records
• Limiting Results with LIMIT and OFFSET

Module 3: Data Manipulation in SQL (Day- 5-6)
• INSERT Statement: Adding Records to Tables
• Updating Existing Records with UPDATE Statement
• Deleting Records using DELETE Statement
• Transaction Control Commands: COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT

Module 4: SQL Functions and Operators (Day- 7-8)
• String Functions (e.g., CONCAT, SUBSTRING, LENGTH)
• Numeric Functions (e.g., ROUND, ABS, MOD)
• Date and Time Functions (e.g., DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP)
• Aggregate Functions (e.g., COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN)
• Conditional Functions (e.g., CASE, COALESCE)

Module 5: Working with Multiple Tables (Day- 9-12)
• Combining Results using UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT Operators
• Nested Queries and Subqueries

Module 6: SQL Constraints and Indexes (Day- 13-15)
• Implementing Indexes for Performance Optimization
• Working with Views: Creating, Altering, and Dropping Views
• Sequences and Identity Columns

Module 7: Advanced SQL Topics (Day- 16-18)
• Working with Stored Procedures and Functions
• Triggers: Creating and Managing Database Triggers
• Understanding and Utilizing Cursors
• Handling Errors and Exceptions
• Dynamic SQL and Parameterized Queries

Module 8: Data Control and Security (Day- 19-22)
• User Management: Creating and Managing Users
• Granting and Revoking Permissions with GRANT and REVOKE Statements
• Implementing Security Policies
• Auditing Database Activities

Module 9: Database Design and Optimization (Day- 23-26)
• Normalization and Database Design Principles
• Indexing Strategies and Performance Tuning
• Analyzing Query Execution Plans
• Utilizing EXPLAIN and Analyzing Query Performance
• Monitoring and Optimization Techniques

Module 10: NoSQL and New Database Technologies (Day- 27-30)
• Introduction to NoSQL Databases
• Comparison of SQL and NoSQL Databases
• Overview of New Database Technologies and Trends

Frontend Development- HTML, CSS & Java Script

Module 1: HTML Fundamentals (Days 1-10)
• Introduction to HTML and its basics
• Creating headings for structured content
• Formatting text elements within HTML
• Adding anchors and hyperlinks for navigation
• Utilizing various types of lists for organizing content
• Constructing tables for tabular data representation
• Applying classes and IDs for styling and JavaScript manipulation
• Incorporating data attributes for additional element information
• Embedding images into web pages
• Implementing input control elements and forms for user interaction
• Using div elements for structuring and styling content
• Designing navigation bars for website navigation
• Integrating iframes for embedding external content
• Specifying content languages for internationalization
• Implementing HTML 5 Cache for offline access
• Utilizing HTML event attributes for JavaScript event handling

Module 2: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Mastery (Days 11-20)
• Understanding the basics of CSS and its syntax
• Adding comments for code documentation
• Selecting HTML elements for styling using selectors
• Applying backgrounds to elements for visual enhancement
• Centering elements within the layout
• Understanding the box model for element sizing and spacing
• Setting margins, padding, and borders for element layout
• Utilizing outlines for element highlighting
• Managing element overflow for content handling
• Implementing media queries for responsive design
• Floating elements for layout control
• Styling typography for text presentation
• Utilizing flexible box layout for responsive design
• Understanding cascading and specificity in CSS
• Specifying colors and opacity for element appearance
• Implementing pseudo-elements for additional styling
• Positioning elements within the layout
• Controlling layout with grid and tables
• Adding transitions and animations for interactive elements
• Applying 2D and 3D transforms for element manipulation
• Using the filter property for visual effects
• Styling cursor behavior for user interaction
• Adding box shadows for element depth
• Customizing list styles and counters
• Implementing CSS functions for dynamic styling
• Managing columns for layout control
• Understanding the CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
• Handling browser-specific issues with Internet Explorer Hacks

Module 3: JavaScript Essentials (Days 21-35)
• Introduction to JavaScript and its role in web development
• Declaring variables and constants for data storage
• Adding comments for code documentation and readability
• Utilizing the console for debugging and logging
• Understanding different data types in JavaScript
• Manipulating strings and working with dates
• Comparing dates and performing comparison operations
• Implementing conditions for logical decision-making
• Managing arrays and objects for data storage and manipulation
• Performing arithmetic and bitwise operations
• Creating constructor functions for object instantiation
• Using loops for iterative tasks
• Defining and invoking functions for code reusability
• Understanding prototypes and objects for inheritance
• Implementing classes for object-oriented programming
• Organizing code with namespaces
• Using setters and getters for controlled access to object properties
• Handling events for user interaction and UI updates
• Implementing inheritance and method chaining for code structure
• Working with callbacks for asynchronous operations
• Using intervals and timeouts for timed execution
• Creating and validating regular expressions for pattern matching
• Managing cookies and utilizing web storage for data persistence
• Parsing and stringifying JSON data
• Employing enumerations and map objects for data manipulation
• Handling timestamps and promises for asynchronous operations
• Utilizing sets for managing unique values
• Implementing modals for user interaction and alerts
• Accessing browser object model (BOM) for browser interaction
• Utilizing history and navigator objects for navigation and browser information retrieval
• Implementing strict mode for code quality and error prevention
• Manipulating data and working with binary data
• Using template literals for string interpolation
• Fetching data from servers using fetch API
• Understanding scope and modules for code organization and reusability
• Accessing screen properties for responsive design and layout control


Module 1 - Intro to PHP (Day- 1-2)

Module 2 - Variables and Assignments (Day- 3-4)

Module 3 - Control Statements (Day- 5-6)

Module 4 - Writing Functions (Day- 7-8)

Module 5 - PHP Arrays (Day- 9-10)

Module 6 - PHP Strings (Day- 11-12)

Module 7 - Object Oriented Programming (Day- 13-14)

Module 8 - Object Oriented Programming Inheritance (Day- 15-16)

Module 9 - CGI Programming and Forms (Day- 17-18)

Module 10 - Files and More CGI Programming (Day- 19-20)

Module 11 - Database Programming (Day- 21-22)

Module 12 - SQL and MySQL (Day- 23-24)

Module 13 - Images and Graphics (Day- 25-26)

Module 14 - Advanced Object Oriented Programming (Day- 27-28)

Module 15 - Cookies and Session Functions (Day- 29-30)

Module 16 - PHP and XML (Day- 31-33)

Angular JS

Module 1: Introduction to AngularJS
• Overview of AngularJS
• History and evolution
• Features and advantages
• Setting up development environment

Module 2: Getting Started with AngularJS
• Installing AngularJS
• AngularJS Architecture
• MVC pattern in AngularJS
• Creating a simple AngularJS application

Module 3: AngularJS Directives
• Introduction to directives
• Built-in directives (ng-app, ng-model, ng-bind, etc.)
• Creating custom directives
• Directive scope

Module 4: AngularJS Expressions
• Understanding expressions
• Using expressions in AngularJS templates
• Filters in expressions
• Creating custom filters

Module 5: Controllers and Scope
• Introduction to controllers
• Defining controllers
• Scope in AngularJS
• Scope hierarchy and inheritance

Module 6: Data Binding
• Two-way data binding
• One-way data binding
• Event binding
• Property binding

Module 7: Services and Dependency Injection
• Understanding services
• Built-in services (e.g., $http, $location)
• Creating custom services
• Dependency Injection in AngularJS

Module 8: Routing
• Introduction to routing
• Setting up routes
• Route parameters
• Nested routes

Module 9: Forms and Validation
• Working with forms in AngularJS
• Form validation using built-in validators
• Custom form validation
• Handling form submission

Module 10: HTTP Communication
• Making HTTP requests using $http service
• Handling responses
• Error handling
• Using $resource for RESTful services

Module 11: AngularJS Best Practices
• Code organization and structure
• Performance optimization techniques
• Error handling and debugging
• Testing strategies (unit testing and end-to-end testing)

Module 12: Advanced Topics
• Directives communication
• Transclusion
• Interacting with the DOM using directives
• Localization and internationalization

Module 13: Building a Real-World Application
• Designing and implementing a complete AngularJS application
• Integration with backend services
• Deployment strategies

Module 14: AngularJS 2+ Overview
• Introduction to Angular 2+
• Major differences between AngularJS and Angular 2+
• Migration strategies from AngularJS to Angular 2+

Module 15: Project Work
• Hands-on project work to apply the learned concepts
• Guidance and support from instructors
• Feedback and review sessions


Module 1: Introduction to React (Days 1-4)
• Exploring the fundamentals of React
• Understanding the reasons for choosing React
• Reviewing React's version history, focusing on React 16 vs React 15
• Building a basic React application with "Hello World"
• Utilizing create-react-app for project setup
• Analyzing the structure of a React project
• Executing and debugging the initial React application

Module 2: Templating with JSX (Days 5-7)
• Implementing JSX for templating in React
• Working with React.createElement method
• Incorporating expressions and logical operators in JSX
• Specifying attributes and children elements in JSX
• Utilizing Fragments for multiple JSX elements

Module 3: Understanding Components (Days 8-10)
• Emphasizing the importance of component-based architecture
• Exploring different types of components: Functional, Class-based, and Pure components
• Composing components together for reusability

Module 4: Managing State and Props (Days 11-13)
• Understanding the concept of state and its significance in React
• Reading and updating component state
• Passing data between components using props
• Validating props using propTypes

Module 5: Rendering Lists (Days 14-15)
• Rendering dynamic lists in React
• Utilizing the key prop and map function for list rendering

Module 6: Handling Events (Days 16-18)
• Understanding React's event system
• Utilizing Synthetic events in React
• Passing arguments to event handlers

Module 7: Component Lifecycle and Error Handling (Days 19-20)
• Understanding the lifecycle methods of React components
• Implementing error boundaries for error handling

Module 8: Working with Forms (Days 21-22)
• Managing forms in React with controlled and uncontrolled components

Module 9: Context API (Days 23-25)
• Understanding the Context API in React
• Creating and consuming contexts
• Reading context in class components

Module 10: Code-Splitting (Days 26-28)
• Implementing code-splitting in React applications
• Utilizing React.lazy and Suspense for code-splitting
• Implementing route-based code-splitting

Module 11: Hooks (Days 29-31)
• Exploring React Hooks for stateful logic reuse
• Understanding different types of hooks
• Implementing useState and useEffect hooks
• Adhering to the rules of hooks

Module 12: Routing with React Router (Days 32-35)
• Setting up routing in React applications with React Router
• Working with BrowserRouter and HashRouter components
• Configuring routes with Route component
• Implementing dynamic routes and nested routes
• Navigating between pages using Link and NavLink components
• Redirecting routes using Redirect component

Module 13: Introduction to Redux (Days 36-38)
• Understanding the principles of Redux for state management
• Installing and setting up Redux in React applications
• Creating actions, reducers, and the store

Module 14: Immutable.js (Days 39-40)
• Introduction to Immutable.js library
• Exploring immutable collections like Lists, Maps, and Sets

Module 15: Integrating React with Redux (Days 41-43)
• Understanding the integration of React with Redux for state management
• Setting up React Redux in applications
• Distinguishing between Presentational and Container components
• Exploring mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps usage

Module 16: Redux Middleware (Days 44-45)
• Understanding the need for middleware in Redux
• Exploring Redux Saga as a middleware choice
• Installing and setting up Redux Saga
• Working with Saga helpers for asynchronous actions

Node JS

Module 1: Node JS Modules (Day- 1-3)
• Functions
• Buffer
• Module
• Modules Types
• Core Modules
• Local Modules
• Modules Exports

Module 2: Node Package Manager (Day- 4-6)
• What is NPM
• Installing Packages Locally
• Installing package globally
• Adding dependency in package Json
• Updating packages

Module 3: Creating Web Server (Day- 7-9)
• Creating Web Server
• Sending Requests
• Handling HTTP requests
• Module 4: File System
• Read File
• Writing a File
• Opening a File
• Deleting a File
• Writing a file asynchronously
• Other I/O Operations

Module 5: Debugging Node JS Application (Day- 10-12)
• Core Node JS Debugger
• Module 6: Events
• Event Emitter class
• Inheriting Events
• Returning event emitter

Module 7: Express JS (Day- 13-14)
• Configuring Routes
• Working with Express

Module 8: Serving Static Resources (Day- 15-16)
• Serving Static Files
• Working with Middle Ware

Module 9: Database Connectivity (Day- 17-20)
• Connecting String
• Configuring
• Updating Records
• Working with Select Command
• Deleting Records

Module 10: Project Development (Day- 21-25)
• Project Development using Node JS

Advance Excel

Module 1: Exploring What-If Scenarios (Days 1-2)
• Understanding Goal Seek functionality
• Utilizing Data Tables with PMT Function
• Employing the Solver Tool for optimization
• Conducting Scenario Analysis for various outcomes

Module 2: Implementing Data Validation Techniques (Days 3-5)
• Validating Number, Date & Time entries
• Creating Dynamic Dropdown Lists with Data Validation
• Developing Custom Validation rules based on cell formulas
• Validating Text and List inputs

Module 3: Mastering Logical Analysis (Days 6-7)
• Utilizing the If Function for conditional logic
• Implementing complex if and or functions
• Exploring Nested If statements
• Resolving Errors using the iferror function

Module 4: Harnessing Lookup Functions (Days 8-10)
• Using Vlookup / HLookup for data retrieval
• Employing Vlookup with Helper Columns
• Enhancing User Interface with Lookup functionality
• Exploring Index and Match functions
• Performing Reverse Lookup using Choose Function
• Nesting VLookup for advanced scenarios
• Linking Worksheets using Indirect function

Module 5: Exploring Array Functions (Days 11-13)
• Understanding Array Formulas and their applications
• Integrating Array Formulas with if, len, and mid functions
• Demonstrating Basic Array examples (Using ctrl+shift+enter)
• Advanced Array Formula applications
• Utilizing Arrays with Lookup functions
• Real-life Applications of Microsoft Excel

Module 6: Delving into Pivot Tables (Days 14-16)
• Creating Simple Pivot Tables for data analysis
• Exploring Classic Pivot table features
• Configuring Basic and Advanced Value Field settings
• Utilizing Calculated Field & Calculated Items
• Grouping data based on numbers and Dates

Module 7: Designing Excel Dashboards (Days 17-19)
• Planning and structuring Dashboard layouts
• Adding Dynamic Contents to Dashboards
• Incorporating Tables and Charts into Dashboards

Module 8: Utilizing Slicers and Charts (Days 20-22)
• Filtering data using SLICERS
• Creating various Charts such as Bar Charts, Pie Charts, and Line Charts
• Managing Primary and Secondary Axes in Charts

Module 9: Introduction to VBA Macro Programming (Days 23-25)
• Understanding VBA and its capabilities
• Exploring Procedures and Functions in VBA
• Recording and executing Macros
• Exploring the potential of VBA automation

Module 10: Working with Variables in VBA (Days 26-28)
• Understanding Variables and their importance
• Utilizing Non-Declared Variables
• Implementing Const variables
• Exploring Variable Data Types

Module 11: Customizing Input and Message Boxes in VBA (Days 29-30)
• Tailoring Msgboxes and Inputbox for specific needs
• Reading Cell Values into Messages dynamically
• Exploring various Button Groups in VBA for user interaction

Module 12: Implementing If and Select Statements in VBA (Days 31-33)
• Writing Simple If Statements for conditional execution
• Defining select case statements for multiple conditions
• Implementing ElseIf Statements for additional conditions

Module 13: Mastering Looping Techniques in VBA (Days 34-36)
• Introduction to Loops and their types (For, Do While, Do Until)
• Exiting from a Loop using Exit statement
• Demonstrating Advanced Loop Examples
• Exploring the Basic Dos and For Loop constructs

Module 14: Excel Worksheet and Workbook Operations with VBA (Days 37-38)
• Merging Worksheets using VBA Macros
• Splitting worksheets using VBA filters
• Implementing Worksheet copiers
• Merging multiple excel files into one-sheet using VBA

Module 15: Automating Mail Functions with VBA (Days 39-40)
• Utilizing Outlook Namespace for email automation
• Configuring Outlook Settings and MAPI
• Sending automated emails using VBA

Course Features

  • Duration : 60 Hours
  • Lectures : 30
  • Quiz : 20
  • Students : 15

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