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JavaScript: A Vital Part of Web Designing

  • 05 October 2021
  • Admin

If you are a web developer or if you have recently started learning web development, then you might know that there are three things considered the backbone of any website:

1. HTML: HyperText Markup Language(HTML) is the core of every single web page. It provides the basic structure to your web content. It is used for defining paragraphs, headings, or embedding images and videos on the page.

2. CSS: Cascading Style Sheet beautifies your web page. It dictates how the HTML elements of a website should appear on the front end of the page. It is used to apply styling to the HTML content.

3. JavaScript: JavaScript is the scripting language that is used to add interactive features to your website. Let us learn more about JavaScript:


What is JavaScript?
JavaScript or JS is a lightweight, interpreted, object-based language based on prototypes. It is an all-purpose language that works on both the client and server sides. When a website is developed, HTML and CSS style the page, but JavaScript makes it alive by making user interaction possible.

How to add JavaScript to your page?
JavaScript is applied to your HTML page just like CSS. Whereas CSS uses two different elements- link elements to apply external style sheets and style elements to apply internal style sheets to HTML. JavaScript uses a single element in all forms — the script element.

The three ways to link JavaScript to your HTML page:
Inline JavaScript
Inline JavaScript is when the developer writes the JavaScript code in a single line of HTML code.




Internal JavaScript
An internal JavaScript is used to define a script for a single HTML page either on the header or footer section.

#script tag

# JavaScript code goes here

#script tag

External JavaScript
An external JavaScript is a separate JavaScript file that can be accessed by creating a link within the head section of the webpage. Several web pages can use the same link to access them.

#scripttag src="" #scripttagclose"

History of JavaScript
The journey of JavaScript started almost two decades ago, in 1995, designed by Brendan Eich in just 10 days. Before its name was decided as JavaScript, it was given several names, first Mocha, then LiveScript, then finally JavaScript. For standardization, the language was presented to ECMA International. After specification, it is called ECMAScript or ES in short. That’s why different versions of JavaScript have also referred to ES6, ES10, or others. Since then, JavaScript has seen so many updates and grown together with the web. It has become one of the top scripting languages in the world.

Is JavaScript the same as Java?
No, even though their names are so similar, there is a huge difference between the two-

• Java is considered a programming language, whereas JavaScript is considered a scripting language.
• Java is object-oriented, whereas JavaScript is an object-based language.
• Java is a server-side language, whereas JavaScript works on both client-side and server-side.

• Interoperability: JavaScript is one of the simplest scripting languages to learn and use. Other than that, it can very easily work with other languages.

• Performance: JS does not need to connect with the server. Therefore, it works much faster as compared to other languages.

• Client-Side Security: JavaScript runs on the client side. As the code is visible to others, it can be used for malicious purposes. Also, it is easier to write some harmful code on the site that compromises the overall website integrity.

• Browser-Support: Every browser interprets JavaScript in its way. While some browsers support a function, others may not. Thus it is difficult to write cross-platform code. Apart from that, if the user disables the JavaScript, the whole code will stop working.

Here we have seen an overview or outlines of JavaScript but, it was just a part of web designing. If you are new to web designing and want to learn Web designing course in Noida, then join GICSEH today. Sign up for web design in Noida, with GICSEH. GICSEH provides a better understanding and in-depth working knowledge of aspects of web design to its students. A designer must be imaginative, creative. There are no such prerequisites set for the course, but if you have a degree in computer science, it is an added benefit to your profession

Join GICSEH today!!