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Learn Android Development

Top Reasons to Learn Android Development

  • 21 June 2021
  • Admin

If you’re interested in app development, there are many reasons why you should choose Android development.

Benefits of Learning Android Development:

1. Open source code
Android has several benefits, but the greatest is its open-source code. Unlike other OS creators, Google gives a wide range of electronics manufacturers access to their code, allowing them to use Android in their products.
As technology advances, it gets more compact, efficient, and affordable. As a result, more Android devices will hit the market as rates reduce, thus exponentially increasing the market size and consequently the market share that Android holds.

2. Google Play store
Applications provide a more specialised and mobile-first experience compared to websites or browsers. With the launch of the Google Play store, this experience has improved multiple-fold. iTunes and the Apple App Store were aspirational, and not many people could afford Apple products at a time when owning a smartphone was starting to become mainstream. Android has opened up access to the masses and has simplified the user journey to a great extent.
More than 1.5 million devices - smartphones, tablets and ebook readers - get activated around the world every day. This number is growing each day as people switch from a single-screen to a dual-screen lifestyle. There are over 2.56 million apps on the Google Play store today. This is also growing as more businesses put out apps, and developers continue to experiment. More than 60% of the apps on the Google Play store are available to users for free. Even the paid ones usually charge a minimal fee.

3. Growing Job Opportunities

Google and Android provide interesting revenue models. More and more organisations are setting up dedicated teams to develop applications and hiring liberally. Learning app development will open up many opportunities for you to work both as a part of an organisation and as a freelancer. As an Android developer, you will also find it easy to learn how to develop apps for other OS platforms.
As an Application Developer, you can earn well. These are just some of the roles and compensations offered to professionals with knowledge of Android development.

4. Pricing and revenue
As a developer, Google lets you price your app in the Google Play store. You can choose to roll out your app for free and earn revenue from advertisements, or you can simply make a paid app that will give users an ad-free experience. Alternatively, you can choose Spotify’s revenue model - create a free app with the option of a premium subscription that will be ad-free along with several other benefits. Google charges a fixed Play Store rate for hosting your app and deducts that fee before you get your payout. However, that should not stop you from creating a great app. With millions of visitors on the Google Play store every single day, a fairly popular app also rakes in great revenue.

5. Wide range of compatible devices
About half a decade ago, smartphones were a huge trend. As technology got cheaper, more users chose Android smartphones over devices with a different OS. Today the landscape has evolved far beyond that. From tablets to watches to cars to televisions to homes - everything is getting smarter. Android TVs, smart homes and smart devices are quickly finding a place within the urban landscape. Developers and organisations are on the hunt for new experiences they can provide customers on these different platforms.

6. Smooth learning curve
Android developers and aspirants are often hesitant about what they should study or know to start their learning journey. With innovations coming out every day in today’s digital-first world, your app almost definitely needs to be unique and ground-breaking to make any impact. Having said that, some skills can open you to new opportunities. Android applications use Java as a programming language. Therefore it is essential to learn a Java course. The other important skill you will need is knowledge of XML because this will help you work on layouts and designs for your application.
Very briefly, here’s what you can do. Learn Java and XML, install IDE on your system and code away! You must also be equipped to test your app and also launch it on the Google Play store. While it is neither a straightforward nor easy process, you get an idea. Android has a large market, and app developers or aspirants can cover sufficient ground easily.


Training Course for Android App Development:

We, at GICSEH, offer several courses for developers and IT professionals interested in designing and creating Android apps. To derive the most from these courses, you are required to have experience with at least one programming language before you start.

These courses will equip you with different skills that will help you in your career as an Android developer. This includes:

● How to write, compile and run Java applications
● How to use the Eclipse IDE, an abbreviation for integrated development environment
● How to understand basic Java commands and syntax
● How to understand the basic concepts of Java’s object-oriented programming - class, interface, inheritance etc
● How to interpret Java’s collections, file output and input, serialisation etc
● How to install and set up Android SDK and emulator as well as plug-ins.

Give your career the boost it needs, enrol in our android training course in Noida today!

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