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Web Development Training and Certification

Web Development Training and Certification

Course Summary

In a nutshell, we refer to the term ‘Web Development’ as creating, constructing and upholding a particular website. In this blog, we will majorly focus on the different aspects of web development and a web developer. Let us not mistake the term ‘web development’ as ‘web designing’.

A Web Designer uses various design programs such as Adobe Photoshop to produce the outline and other graphical fundamentals of the website but on the other hand, a web developer takes a website design and converts it into an actual functioning website by using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and other programming languages.


Day1 - HTML Basic Tags
Day2 - HTML Forms
Day3 - Creating Tables
Day4 - Managing Home Page

Day1 - Introduction to CSS
Day2 - CSS Properties
Day3 - Designing Web Pages

Day1 - Variable
Day2 - Data type
Day3 - Controls Statements
Day4 - Function
Day5 - Events
Day6 - String Handling
Day7 - Arrays
Day8 - DOM
Day9 - form validation

Day1 - Evaluation of PHP
Day2 - Variables
Day3- Comments
Day4 - Functions
Day5 - Decisions and Loop
Day6 - Control statements
Day7 - String Handling
Day8 - Arrays
Day9 - Templates

Day1 - Capturing Form Data
Day2- Dealing with Multi-value field
Day3 - Generating File Uploaded Form
Day4 - Redirecting a form after submission

Day1- Introduction to RDBMS
Day2 - Performing Database Operations
Day3 - Setting Query Parameters
Day4 - Excuting Query

Day1 - Database connnectivity
Day2 - crud operation
Day3 - searching

Day1 - Cookies
Day2 - Start Session
Day3 - Storing Session
Day4 - Retrieve Session
Day5 - Destroy Session

Day1 - Understanding File &Directory
Day2 - Opening & Closing file
Day3 - Reading file & Writing file
Day4 - Copying,Renaming & Deleating a File
Day5 - Dealing with Directories file operations

Day1 - File uploading
Day2 - Image uploading in database
Day3 - Fetching image
Day4 - Uploading image in folder

Day1 - Introduction
Day2 - Class & Object
Day3 - Constructors
Day4 - Abstraction
Day5 - Inheritence
Day6 - Polymorphism
Day7 - Encapsulation
Day8 - Access Modifiers
Day9 - This Keyword

Day1 - Introduction to jquery
Day2 - Basic selectors
Day3 - Ajax
Day4 - Ajax states
Day5 - Jquery Effects
Day6 - Plugins

Day1 - Introduction to Wordpress
Day2 - Post
Day3 - Category
Day4 - Menus
Day5 - Customisation of Template

Day1 - MVC(Model View Controller)

Day1 - Variable Naming Rules and JavaScript Data Types
Day2 - Expressions and Operators
Day3 - Flow Control
Day4 - Objects and Arrays
Day5 - Defining Functions and Methods
Day6 - Constructors and Inheritance
Day7 - Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
Day8 - JavaScript in Browsers
Day9 - The Document Object Model (DOM)
Day10 - How to Get Input and Output
Day11 - Managing Web Page Styles using JavaScript and CSS
Day12 - Handling Web Page Events
Day13 - How to Script Tables
Day14 - How to Script Forms
Day15 - Introduction to Ajax


Day1 - Introduction
Day2 - Course Overview
Day3 - Topics Covered
Day4 - Accelerated Introduction to CSS3
Day5 - CSS Syntax
Day6 - Getting Started with Visual Studio
Day7 - Examining the HTML Source
Day8 - Adding Style to HTML
Day9 - Simple CSS3 Syntax

Day1- Introduction
Day2- Fonts
Day3- Text Shadow
Day4- : Font Face
Day5- Text Shadow
Day6 - Selectors
Day7 - Positional Selectors
Day8 - Target Selector
Day9 - Selection Selector
Day10 - Styling Form Inputs
Day11 - Stateful Selectors

Day1- Introduction
Day2 - Layouts
Day3 - Box Layout
Day4 - Vendor Prefixes
Day5 - Columns
Day6 - Background
Day7 - Multiple Image Background

Day1 - Introduction
Day2 - Opacity
Day3 - Opacity
Day4 - RGBA and HSLA
Day5 - Alpha
Day6 - currentColor
Day7 - Colors
Day8 - Gradients

Day1 - Introduction
Day2 - Resizable Borders
Day3 - Rounded Corners
Day4 - Borders
Day5 - Shadowing
Day6 - Complex Box Shadows

Day1 - Introduction
Day2 - Rotate
Day3 - Skew
Day4 - Scale
Day5 - Translate
Day6 - Transforms

Day1- Introduction
Day2 - Animations
Day3 - Key Frames
Day4 - Key Frames and Animations
Day5 - Animations
Day6 - Transitions
Day7 – Transitions

Day1 - Introduction to MySQL
Day2 - Designing Databases
Day3 - Basic SQL
Day4 - Database Structures
Day5 - Doing Advanced Queries
Day6 - Advanced MySQL Concepts
Day7 - Managing Users and Privileges
Day8 - Backing Up and Restoring MySQL Databases
Day 9 - MySQL Options File and Configuring and Tuning the MySQL Server
Day10 - Setting Up MySQL Replication
Day11 - Introduction to PHP and MySQL

Course Features

  • Duration : 60 Hours
  • Lectures : 30
  • Quiz : 10
  • Students : 15

Variations as a Web Developer

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Once that we have gained a proper vision and clarity about what a web developer is actually associated with, let’s focus on the major types of web developers. Well, you can specialize as different kinds of developers but here we will deal with three most common and major types of web developers.

When you click on any URL (Uniform Resource Locater), the page that you see is known as the Front End of any website and that is exactly what Front End Developers design and work upon.

A Front End Developer is also known as the Client Side Developers and as the name suggests, they specialize in the programming of the visual User Interface (UI). That is, the interface that allows the user to interact with any website.

A front End Developer has to make sure about the user’s aesthetics and design a website in the most user friendly way. A Front End Developer’s skills include the intention of User Interface with User Experience.

JavaScript, HTML, CSS are currently the rising collection of Front End interface framework.

When you click on any URL and you see the layout of the website, have you ever wondered as to how the website is functioning and how every single click is prescribed with their associated work? Well, that is the work of a Back End Developer. A back end developer is also known as a server side developer.

A Back End Developer helps in smooth functioning of any website. For Example, Consider Google. What do you see when you click on it? ‘A box which allows you to ask questions with a microphone at one side.’ But, the Backend is an enormously complex system which is designed after programming several lines of codes.

A Back End Developer deals with languages such as Java, C, C++, Ruby, Python etc. They often need to integrate with a vast range of services such as databases, storage system, logging system etc.

Well, it is quite possible to be a master of both the front end and the back end programming and that is what will make you a full stack developer.

Career Prospect as a Web Developer
Once that we have known about all the aspects of web Development, let us focus on the most important aspect. How good is web Development as a Career Option?

First thing to keep in mind while choosing Web Development as a career option is that, it require a lot of patience because you definitely can’t master any programming or Front End Language in a month or two. It requires an everyday practice. Once, you’ve mastered this field, there are several opportunities around the globe.

In order to get a good job, you always will have to be open to learn about new and different technologies because Web development is the fastest growing industries in the world with variety of competition and aspects to learn.

Nowadays Web Developers are in high demand in Information Technological companies. Apart from IT there are many other industries such as online marketing, Application Maintenance, Multi-National Companies, Investment banks, Responsive Application updates etc. which demand Web developers.

Hence, once you master this art of Web development money making and jobs with great deals, is just one step away.

Major Programming languages to be learnt as a Front End Web Developer:-
HTML - It stands for ‘Hyper Text Markup Language’. It is one of the most used and standard markup languages. HTML is called as markup languages because it is a language that allows users to organize, implement and link text with the data. It is one of the best languages for documents designing and displaying it on a web browser.

JavaScript - It is often abridged as JS. It is an object oriented, high level programming language. It is used by vast majority of websites. In order to be a good front end web developer in this era, you must build your niche in JavaScript because; it is demanded by most number of companies in India and abroad.

CSS - It is popularly known as ‘Cascading Style Sheet’. Alongside, HTML and JavaScript, CSS is one of the most demanded style sheet language. Like HTML, the presentation of a document in CSS is written as markup language. CSS is designed to facilitate the separation of demonstration and content including outline, color and font.

Angular JS - It is a JavaScript based open source front-end web framework mainly sustained by Google and by a civic of individuals and establishments to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single page application. Angular JS intends to streamline both, the development and the testing of such applications by providing a background for client-side model view controller and architectures.

jQuery - It is a free and open source software. The syntax in jQuery is designed in such a way that it makes any document navigation easier. jQuery is one of the JavaScript libraries which is designed to simplify HTML and CSS animation.

Bootstrap - It is a free and open source CSS framework. It contains CSS and JavaScript based designing templates for different interface mechanisms.

Major Programming languages to be learnt as a Back End Web Developer:-
PHP - It is wide-ranging purpose programming language originally designed for web development. The abbreviation, PHP originally stands for Personal Home Page. A PHP code can be executed in various ways, one of which includes CLI (Command Line Interface).

Ruby -It is an interpreted and a high level programming language for general purpose. It is dynamically typed and uses garbage collection which means automatic memory management.

Python - It is also an interpreted and high level programming language which is used for general purpose. It has almost all the similar aspects as ‘Ruby programming language’.

Java - It is general purpose programming language which is class based. It is one of the best object oriented programming language. It runs on Java Virtual Machine.

Well, there are many other languages included in front end and Back End development but once you have mastered all these above mentioned languages, you can settle yourself as a decent and competent Front End and Back End Web Developer.