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Is Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking same?


Is Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking same?

  • 06 Nov 2023
  • Admin

Strong cybersecurity is now essential in the fast-paced digital age where technology permeates every aspect of our life. Our digital assets need to be protected by professionals with specialised skills because cyber threats are constantly evolving and becoming more complex. These terms are frequently used in this context. They are distinct fields with different approaches and purposes, even though they have some common goals. We'll examine the distinctions between these two in this blog post, highlighting their distinct functions in protecting our digital environment.

Understanding Cyber Security

It is the broader field of protecting digital systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, breaches, or damage. It encompasses a wide range of practices, technologies, and measures designed to safeguard an organization's assets and ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

Key Aspects:

  1. Preventive Measures: The main goals of cybersecurity are risk management, prevention, and building defences against possible intrusions. It consists of safeguards like access controls, intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and encryption.

  2. Incident Response: Cybersecurity experts are in charge of assessing the breach, minimising damage, and putting preventative measures in place when security incidents happen.

  3. Compliance: Professionals in cybersecurity must make sure that businesses follow all applicable laws and regulations regarding privacy and data protection.

  4. Continuous Monitoring: Networks and systems must be continuously monitored for potential threats to detect and counter them.

Understanding Ethical Hacking

Conversely, this is a branch of cybersecurity. Known as "white hat hackers," ethical hackers are people with permission to breach systems, networks, and applications to find flaws and vulnerabilities. Their main goal is to assist companies in strengthening their security by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before malevolent hackers can take advantage of them.

Key Aspects:

  1. Authorized Intrusion: It is permitted for ethical hackers to try to break into a system, network, or application to find vulnerabilities.

  2. Vulnerability Assessment: It is considered ethical hacking to perform thorough security audits, penetration tests, and vulnerability assessments.

  3. Reporting and Remediation: To strengthen system security, ethical hackers collaborate with the organisation to address vulnerabilities found and report their findings.

  4. Security Enhancement: Enhancing an organization's protection posture and lowering the likelihood of actual cyberattacks are the two main objectives.

GICSEH: Bridging the Gap

An educational institution that understands the difference between ethical hacking and cyber security is the Global Institute of Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking (GICSEH). Offering thorough training programmes that encompass both areas, they make sure their students are prepared to safeguard digital assets and assist businesses in enhancing their safeguarding.
GICSEH is aware that a thorough understanding of cyber security is necessary to be a skilled ethical hacker. Before receiving specialised training in ethical hacking, their courses concentrate on giving students a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity practices.

Why Both Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking Are Essential

Although they have different goals, they are complementary to one another and depend on one another. Cyber security experts are in charge of an organization's general safety, making sure that systems are safeguarded and compliance is upheld. In this process, ethical hackers are essential because they find vulnerabilities that would otherwise go unnoticed until bad actors take advantage of them.

To put it simply, ethical hacking tests the defences that cyber security has put in place. In an increasingly digital world, cooperation between these two domains is essential to preserving a strong protection infrastructure.


In conclusion, although they are not the same, they are closely related. While ethical hacking concentrates on finding vulnerabilities and enhancing security, cyber security covers the more comprehensive tactics and procedures meant to safeguard digital assets. Both are crucial elements of the cybersecurity environment that cooperate to shield businesses from online threats.

In order to succeed in the fields of cybersecurity and ethical hacking, organisations such as GICSEH can offer the education and training you need. Recall that the best defence in the realm of cybersecurity is a blend of ethical hackers who spot and neutralise possible threats before they have a chance to do damage and proactive security measures.